Chapter 1

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Ren-sama's Note:

Let's pretend the Rido Kuran Arc did happen. But everything afterwards was just a myth. Nobody left, nobody thought of revenge or any of those angsty things, and everyone simply reverted back to their daily lives. Happy?

Warning: YAOI. Language. Explicit content. Oh, and also Yuuki's out-of-this-world ideas. This fanfict is most definitely intended for mature readers.



"It's just a game, Zero." Yuuki huffed as she demanded that he comes to the damn Moon Dorm too. She was already dressed, simply waiting for Takuma to escort her there. However, she didn't want to leave unless he comes together with her.

"A game?" Zero almost snarled at her. "Do you even realize what you're saying?"

"Of course, I do." Yuuki rolled her eyes. "Ichijou-senpai invited the two of us to join them for a kind of bonding game. It's not like it's the first time I'm attending too so I know that it's really safe. I go there to play every Saturday night, you see."

"A vampire just invited us to play some vampire game in the vampires' den, Yuuki." Zero cleared things out to her, in case she was too idiotic to notice. "And 'bonding'? What the hell do you think I am? I'm a hunter and I don't want to bond with any of those filthy bloodsuckers."

"In case you've forgotten, we're both vampires too, Zero. And besides, Kaname-senpai will also be there." She stated, as if that was already enough of an explanation.

Instead of easing his mind, however, it only added to Zero's glare. "That will be there too, huh." He purposefully voiced out, making Yuuki fume.

"Fine!! I'll just go there on my own then!! To think I even went to the trouble of asking them to allow you to join!" Yuuki huffed as she stormed out of the Sun Dorm. "I'll tell nii-sama how stubborn you're being right now!"

"Yes, do tell him that." Zero added. "And also the fact that I will not go to that fucking vampire's den no matter what happens!" She gave him another huff before she was out of sight in vampire speed.

"Really, you're always so gentlemanly, Zero-kun." Zero immediately stood up and pointed his gun at the vampire in front of him.

Takuma simply raised both his hands in surrender. "I didn't come here to fight."

"If it's Yuuki you want, then she's already left." He said the words with a glare directed at the blonde, although he did put the Bloody Rose down.

"I know." Takuma answered with a smile, making the hunter's eyebrows crease. "I simply wanted to know if you're actually so scared of the vampires' den that you wouldn't even want to go there and play. It was just a simple game that allows us all vampires to bond."

"I'm not interested in your games, vampire." He growled. "Now leave." He specifically left out the fact that he wanted to be as far away from that as possible.

"Too bad." Takuma voiced again, as if really feeling hopeless. "I thought Zero Kiryuu was more fearless and have more audacity than this. I guess I gave you too much credit to even invite you, Zero-kun. I'm sorry."

"You bastard..." Zero growled. Takuma simply smiled.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Ah, Kiryuu, good to see you." Kaname greeted when he saw the hunter together with Takuma. The blonde was smiling while Zero looked in between murderous and embarrassed – or maybe he was just plain embarrassed and that was how he looked when he was.

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