Chapter 2

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Warning: YAOI. Language. Explicit content. This fanfict is most definitely intended for mature readers.



"I want to know what you were doing in Hanabusa's room the other night." Kaname was wearing a gentle smile but Yuuki and Aido visibly gulped in dread.

Even Zero looked curious as to what they were talking about.

"...T-Thinking up of... the dares...?" Yuuki tried to lie to save her skin but they immediately knew she was lying because of the abnormal blood rush in her body. It seemed even she realized it too since she sighed and made a pleading face at her nii-sama. "W-Well, Aido-senpai and I were..." She gulped before she continued, this time a light blush adorning her face. "...doing the 'dares'." Aido cleared his throat too before he tried to appear calm in front of everyone.

Zero's eyes narrowed at that. He now wondered just what kind of dares those two idiots made...

Yuuki drank one gulp of liquor too before she spun the bottle. After a while, the bottle settled on Kain who couldn't help but gulp, especially when Yuuki's chocolate gaze almost gave away the revengeful thoughts that she had. "Kain-senpai, Truth or Dare?"

Kain felt nervous just at the thought of what his Kaname-sama's crazy sister wrote in those dare-papers so he chose to simply let Yuuki be the one to torment him directly. "Truth, Yuuki-sama."

Yuuki closed her eyes for a while, as if trying to think of what to ask. When she opened her eyes again and spoke, Kain wished he chose 'dare' instead. "Kain-senpai, have you ever imagined Ruka-senpai naked while you were masturbating?" She finished asking while wearing an evil grin.

All their eyes widened at her daring question. Zero actually looked aghast. It seemed he didn't know Yuuki quite well yet. Ruka was frozen in her spot. She didn't know if she would turn pale or if she would blush. She didn't dare look in Kain's direction because she knew she would lose her cool composure if she did so.

Kain, on the other hand, could only gape at her. He actually looked at the red bottle and tried to weigh whether it was worth it to answer or if he would simply drink. But then he remembered Aido's warning and he knew his cousin wasn't joking about it. He braced himself and answered the question while trying to maintain his composure. "Yes, I have."

The silence that followed his revelation felt like an eternity for the redhead. Yuuki covered her mouth to prevent herself from squealing in delight. Ruka couldn't help but hide a deep blush on her cheeks. Zero looked in between wanting to leave the place and wanting to murder all its inhabitants. He could feel that a few more rounds with those types of questions and there would finally be a war breaking out. Kaname simply looked at each and every one of them coolly. Aido hid a snicker at his cousin's answer. Takuma appeared cool too but the corners of his lips were tugging upward.

Now Kain felt really revengeful for what happened. He didn't look into anyone's eyes as he took the small drinking glass with a slightly trembling hand before he gulped down the liquor in one shot. The heat of the liquid seemed to travel from his throat down to the pit of his stomach. It made him calm down a little bit. Then it was his time to spin the bottle.

It took some time before it settled down in front of Aido who didn't know if he would smile or grimace at the sudden situation, especially since Kain looked really murderous at the moment.

"So, Hanabusa." Kain had a small smile but his eyes looked really feral. "Truth or Dare?"

Aido gulped at that. He knew his cousin would try to corner him with humiliating questions so he clenched his fists and with all the confidence he could muster shouted out, "Dare!" Yuuki and Takuma loudly cheered for him since they knew what the dares were.

The blonde scowled at his cousin before he took the jar filled with folded papers and took one. He was even glaring at Kain before he opened the paper. But then his expression turned from a scowl into that of dread, much to everyone's curiosity. "Shit." He mumbled before he read the dare out loud for everyone to hear. "Kiss the person you like the most in the group..." His face was a mix of dread and embarrassment. "...with the use of your tongue."

"What kind of dare is that...?" Kain was the one who reacted. He looked ready to say 'I quit.' "Don't tell me the three of you wrote similar dares in those papers?!" Even Zero looked shocked as he glared at Yuuki. Takuma and Yuuki, on the other hand, simply smiled innocently at everyone and remained silent.

Aido gulped as he glanced at Kaname. He knew it used to be Kaname whom he liked the most in the group. However, things had changed for the worst. Who knew what his precious Kaname-sama would do to him if the brunette found out what he and Yuuki had been doing...

In the end, the blonde sighed. He had no choice but to carry out the dare if he didn't want to drink the punishment liquor. He walked across the group to where Yuuki was and knelt in front of the brunette who immediately blushed. Aido took another glance at Kaname who was already looking at them with an unreadable expression before the blonde looked at Yuuki once more. His cool blue eyes immediately softened as he stared at those chocolate eyes that he had learned to love. Even Zero wasn't able to react when Aido closed the distance between him and Yuuki.

The kiss started out as sweet and gentle, as if the two of them were savoring each other's scent and taste... at least until, Aido grinned and licked Yuuki's lower lip to offer him entrance. The brunette girl immediately did so. And afterwards, the rest of them were either gaping or wide-eyed with shock as the scene in front of them developed further and further.

"Enough." Kaname's voice cut them both from their wonderland as the brunette male glared at Aido. And only then did they stop. The two looked like they just remembered they were making out in front of everyone.

Zero didn't know how to react. He had always thought Yuuki was a pure and innocent girl who only had her Kaname-sama as the person she liked. To think she would fall for Aido of all people... He honestly didn't know what to feel. If it was him before the Rido incident, then he knew he would have already lashed out and tried to pry Aido off of Yuuki. He knew he had mellowed down a bit after that incident but to think it was to this extent... The one who reacted strongly, as expected, was Kaname after all. Zero knew that the siblings were actually betrothed to one another. Yuuki told him once when they were having a serious conversation. He half-expected it but he was still shocked at the time. And yet... and yet it was Aido?!

"I knew Yuuki-sama had a change of heart from that time." Ruka voiced out with a small smile. "After all, wasn't it this idiot Aido who acted like her Knight in shining armor during the time when Rido Kuran attacked us all?"

And Zero understood it then. Indeed, Aido and Yuuki had gotten much closer during that time. Even he had no choice but to acknowledge the Night Class students during that incident. The hunter couldn't help but sigh. So it was something like that... His amethyst eyes then looked in Kaname's direction and saw how cool and composed the brunette was. The pureblood had his eyes closed and was wearing an unreadable expression. As usual... he's still trying to pretend that he had everything under his control...

"Kiryuu," Zero almost held back a flinch when Kaname suddenly opened his chocolate eyes and stared directly into amethyst ones. He felt like he was caught doing something he shouldn't. "Are you perhaps... feeling pity towards me?"

Zero immediately recovered and gave the brunette a glare. "...I'm not." Kaname simply gave him a gentle smile which he didn't buy. He knew more than anyone how evil the owner of that smile was. He evaded his gaze and scowled.

Aido took a gulp and finally spun the bottle. And much to the hunter's chagrin, the bottle stopped with its mouth pointing at him. While the hunter was so distracted by the bottle, Yuuki and Aido used that chance to share a knowing look. Rima saw the whole encounter and couldn't help but sigh at the idiotic lovers.

"Kiryuu..." Aido then grinned at Zero who immediately glared at him. "Truth or Dare?"




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