Bad Day ||Minsung||

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Little: Han / Jisung (1-2)
Caregiver: Lee Know / Minho

The day had started off pretty normal, Jisung woke up and looked around the empty room, he would usually wake up big and Minho would be next to him, both opposite of the usual.

Jisung rubbed his eyes and stretched and then look down at his lap, noticing his lap was wet.

But how? He hardly wet himself, only when he was in baby space.. This just made Jisung think he was going to get in trouble for wetting the bed, which brought tears to his eyes.

Once Jisung started crying it didn't stop, it just progressively got louder and louder. He tried to calm down but that resulted in him choking on his own tears.

After a few minutes of crying loudly Minho had cane in the room due to the loud crying coming from it.

"A-appa!" Jisung cried and shook his head scared of what Minho would think of him wetting the bed.

"What happened my love?" Minho slowly rubbed Jisungs arm up and down.

"M' sowwy! Hannie no mean to.." Jisung looked down at his lap fiddling with his shirt fabric.

"Oh my, did you have an accident? It's okay sweetheart. Let's get you cleaned okay?" Minho wiped away Jisungs tears.

Jisung rubbed the tears off his eyes with his fist, Minho taking his hands away from his face not soon after.

"Don't rub your eyes they'll get puffy." Minho picked up the little and helped him to the bathroom to take a bath.

Minho got Jisung undressed and helped him in the bath. Slowly washing him while Jisung played with the water with a blank expression, probably tired.

"Are you okay pumpkin?" Minho said as he got the towel off the towel rack for Jisung.

"Hungy.." Jisung said looking up at Minho with big doe eyes.

"Do you want a bottle or yogurt?" Minho helped Han get dried off while the little was in deep thought.

"Ba!" Jisung said as his shirt was put over his head.

Jisung held into Minhos hand and got led out into the kitchen.

"Go to the living room for me please baby" Minho pointed the direction for Jisung to go, and he obeyed and went to the living room and sat on the couch.

Jisung was getting bored waiting on the bottle so he looked at the table and found his coloring books and crayons. He took out the crayons and found a cute picture of a dog.

He started coloring with multiple colors and he was almost finished when he heard footsteps behind him, he looked back and he saw Minho holding his pacifier and a bottle of  warm milk.

Jisung smiled and clapped (in tiny) and got up on the couch knowing that's where Minho would ask him to go.

Minho sat down and patted his lap gesturing for Jisung to come over to get fed, Jisung didn't wait another moment before he got up and went onto his caregivers lap.

To entertain Jisung, Minho turnt on the tv, playing some cartoons.

Minho slipped the nipple of the bottle into Jisungs mouth and he immediately started to drink it, eyes quickly getting heavy.

Once he finished the bottle he yawned and reached for the pacifier. Minho put the pacifier in between Jisungs lips and he started to fall asleep. But he didn't allow himself to.

"Go to sleep if your tired baby" Minho played with Jisungs hair.

"M' no tiwed!" Jisung quickly sat up and shook his head

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