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Both taekook eat a tasty meal and exit the restaurant.

"Taehyung let's take this bus it goes near our area"jungkook tells

"A bus?! Umm I guess ok" taehyung being the rich guy didnt know nothing about saving money

Both took a seat sitting side by side and talking about random stuff

"According to me one must totally focus on one particular thing at one particular time" taehyung was continuing their ongoing conversation

"Can you elaborate on that"
Jungkook irks his eyebrows

"See I guess you are constantly wasting your time on this stupid reality show why not study properly and use your appa's money and go to japan. You are simply wasting your time and energy running behind money-" taehyung continues

"Oh really mr.kim when did I give you the rights to talk about my life huh?" Jungkook's voice becomes cold

"You rich people dont know the value of money. You can win people and live your life by throwing money all around but I cant. I would like to be independent and not live on my appa's money so, I am not wasting my time and energy on the reality show it is important to me.please keep your opinions about MY life to yourself" jungkook spats while taehyung become silent, guilt was rushing through his veins already.

Their bus stop arrives and jungkook just walks ahead ignoring taehyung who was trying to stop him.

Jungkook reaches his room and quickly locks the door behind and wipes his tears because his appa had once told him "save tears they are precious and only for special people "

"Jungkook-ah open the door I'm sorry"taehyung says with a heavy voice

But jungkook did not open the door. He started packing all his stuff. As it is he had to leave taehyung's house tommorow so why not leave today.

Jungkook finally opens the door and finds a sad and guilty taehyung sitting on the couch. He ignores his facial expressions

"Thank you for having me Mr kim. Since, the show is over there is no purpose for me to live with you. Bye bye" jungkook speaks bluntly. Then he goes near beatrice, their cute kitty and Pats her head. " mr.kim I cant keep Beatrice with me right now is it ok if you keep it"taehyung nods "thank you. Um pls feed her this food at night, that in the morning and scrub Beatrice once  a week. I wrote it on paper for you reference. Its kept near the table see"  jungkook completes and takes his suitcase all ready to leave.

"Um jungkook-shi wait." Taehyung stops him and goes to his room. He rummages through his drawers and takes out a neatly-wrapped gift box. He comes out and gives it to jungkook

"This is for you keep it. Good luck for your future" taehyung smiles a bit but his inside wanted to cry so bad

"No no how could I-" jungkook was cut off

"No formalities please just take it"taehyung requests

"M' okay I guess thanks bye bye!" Jungkook says, a hint of sadness visible in his voice

Jungkook exits taehyung's big mansion and takes a taxi. He was sitting in the taxi and that's when his eyes go towards the box taehyung gave. It made jungkook very curious. He opens the box and there it was, jungkook's favourite figurine from the store which he could never buy along with 20-30 other figurines from anime which he really loved. Jungkook's face gleamed with immense happiness and joy.

On the other hand, taehyung closes all the lights of his house and lights aromatic candles to feel better. He was missing jungkook too much. He remembered their first accidental kiss back in the dance academy, their rivalry at the beginning, the horror house where jungkook literally jumped onto him and finally jungkook's cute face while sleeping which taehyung was admiring since many days now. He could not believe it was all gone. Taehyung didnt cry but his tears were ready to fall. Taehyung didnt knew that someone could warm up his cold heart. He regretted that he made jungkook upset right before his departure.

"I wish I could say you a proper goodbye" taehyung mutters and his eyes goes towards beatrice their cute kitty whom taekook adopted together. He sees the paper jungkook wrote for beatrice and smiled. He Pats Beatrice and she purrs in her sleep

Jungkook reaches his small,cozy house and calls his appa

"Hello appa"

"Ahh jungkookie how are you my child? Are you home where is taehyung can I talk to him?" jin gets excited after hearing from his son

"Ahh appa. Actually I left taehyung's house. Now that the show is over I must not be a burden on him anymore you know. I am back at our place."

,"yeah you are right baby. But, i must say as much cold he was taehyung was still a lovely guy. Didnt you have a crush on him" Jin asks

"N-n-no no appa of-f course not"jungkook stutters because he wasn't a good liar but his appa on the other side of the phone knew his son too well to be fooled.

"Okay then baby take care eat well I will be back tommorow evening" jin says

Jin cuts the call and jungkook could see heat rising on his cheeks but he suppressed it.

He suppressed it because he knew somewhere that taehyung will never be his. They aren't destined

But no one knows their destiny now do they?!

Hehe long chapter hope y'all like it!

'Lights, Cameras,Love!'(taekook ff/vkook ff) Top Tae Bottom Kook {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now