Chapter 11 emu did WHAT🙀

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"Yeah we should  but we have to change our clothes and our stuff too"rui said putting  his hand towards his chin.

"Yeah and plus  your sick emu" you said
"Oh yeah I forgot hehe~" emu said letting go of your hands.

"But maybe  when you get better we can have that  sleepover  ok?" You said bending down to see her.

OK~ she said  hugging you

"Oh ok well  I have to go but  I'll  see you at school emu?" You said  walking  towards the door.

"Yep I'll see you later!"Emu said  waving goodbye.
"So emu are you gonna  be better  before  the show starts?"nene said curiously

"Umm I think so but so far  it's  just a running nose?"  emu said unsure

"Oh ok  that's good" nene said relief

Nene checked  her phone and saw what time is was.

"Oh damn look at the time I have to go and check  my game but I'll  see you guys later though" she said speed walking  towards  the door.

"Oh nene let me go with you just in case anything happens to you"rui said catching  up  with her.

"Bye emu and tsukasa" they both said walking out the door.

BYE GUYS!Emu said excitedly waving goodbye

"Oh well it's  just you and me but I do have to go home though  but I'm glad your ok" tsukasa said hugging her

"Awwww ok but I'll  see you tomorrow   though" emu said hugging  him back

"Bye emu" tsukasa said leaving  out the door

Emu pov

Hehe~ I'm sooo glad they checked up on me I thought while going to my room

"Specialty you~"I said going to my favorite  picture of yn

Your hands were soo soft like the clouds
Your arms felt like I was stuck  in your love Oh Yn one day you'll  be mine  and only mine~

Your hands were soo soft like the clouds Your arms felt like I was stuck  in your love Oh Yn one day you'll  be mine  and only mine~

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HEY IM BACK just for a little bit but I'll update  later tho
Byeee :3
Oh also thank you water-melooon
For the tips and comments too :)

Wxs x reader I had to use Grammarly for thisWhere stories live. Discover now