Battle for Sparky: Opaline vs Hitch and Pipp

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It's New Year's Eve and while most everypony in Equestria is just chilling out, relaxing in their homes spending time with their families in Maritime Bay bridlewood and zephyr heights there is one stallion with a yellow coat aquamarine hair and a sheriff's badge on his TMNT shoulder strap and because Izzy was busy with street art commissions and Mane Melody is closed so Sparky has to hang out in the maritime Bay Police office with the one mare who has been most like a mother to him Pipp Pedals. Narcissistic Alicorn Opaline has a cloak on to conceal her wings, because it's much easier to claim that she's a unicorn than to try and hide the horn especially since invisibility spells haven't been used in practice since Old Man Cheese Pie was about 20 years old. Opaline is walking around Maritime Bay and she zapped Zipp Storm at the flight camp and Izzy Moonbow at Posey's house with a teleportation spell before catching Sunny store scout with it in the middle of her making a smoothie that Opaline herself ordered before trying to decide whether to attack Princess Pipp Pedals on her lunch break at Pi's Pizzeria (owned and operated by Pinkie pie's cousin Jasper whom is an OC of YouTuber Joey Turner who has some great work that I also want to encourage you guys to check out) or go after Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer at his post in the maritime Bay Police office and after a coin flip the bit she was about to have to give to sunny after mentally dubbing one side head and the other side tails and even using her one to scratch up the head side it lands on heads and she starts to head off to the pizzeria. Sheriff hitch trailblazer pays the hard-working stallion behind the counter the 15 bits for a large six topping pizza cut into nine slices "thank you Justin now I'm going to go to totalula and Daisy's flower shop before I have to get back to work so I'll see you happy New Year!" "Happy New Year to you too sheriff." The young navy blue stallion with a slightly lighter shade of blue Mane behind the counter responds before opaline walks into the pizzeria and Justin doesn't know that this is an attacker and not a customer "hello madam may I interest you in the winter wish world Pizza which is ice cream on cinnamon bread instead of tomato sauce on dough and topped off with cheesecake chocolate chips and cookie dough?" "Thank you my good stallion but I'm not here to eat I have myself a bigger agenda." She says in just the nicest tone she can manage which still sounds like she can barely be bothered to exert effort into the night a pizza there honestly to her kind of sounds delicious if she were to stop and think about it but now she's staring daggers at the stallion in the yellow coat that is standing in front of her and after a couple of blasts from her horn all of which hitch dodged Opaline instead switches tactics and grabs Justin to kind of hold him as a hostage with the demand that hitch give up the fight that she tries to claim he has no chance in winning and hitch actually gives up under the condition that opaline does not hurt anyone else except for himself in which case she launches Justin at hitch and right after hitch let's go and make sure Justin is safe if not just a little shook Up opaline blasts Hitch in the back and then grumbles to herself explaining that she'll be back at the pizzeria later to pick up that delicious sounding dessert pizza. In about the center of town stands the maritime Bay sheriff's office formerly known as the police office, but with only sheriff hitch in the building, some ponies have been trying to commission for hitch to just change the name of the building permanently, but out of respect for Maritime Bay's history and the respect of the cloverleaf family hitch refuses to do it, in the office waits Pipp Pedals and Sparky Trailblazer for hitches safe return with lunch and was Sparky nose but pip doesn't a bouquet of flowers when suddenly a purple alicorn opaline literally kicks in the door that wasn't even locked and sees Sparky the baby dragon she's been looking for. "What in torturous is wrong with you?! The door wasn't even freaking locked!!" Pipp screams in frustration. Opening turns to pipp and sparky "oh I'm sorry my name is Princess Opaline and I don't follow your rules strawberry shortcake but the princess of pop is the only one still standing in my way from taking what should have been mine from the very start your sister was so distracted that she was easy to capture pretty little home girls were just as distracted and as for that handsome hunky stallion that I honestly thought was going to be here at the police office well let's just say I got myself a hostage and he gave up the fight pretty quick." "If you've done anything to hurt any of them especially zip or hitch I will turn this alicorn into an earth pony!" Pipp growls venomously through gritted teeth before Opaline starts shooting the teleportation spell at her and surprisingly the plump petite princess of pop is actually quite agile even with a baby Drake in her hooves that she's also keeping from getting hit and then pip straight up uppercuts opaline before getting away from the narcissistic psychopath alicorn (and no psychopath does not just mean ax murderer please look it up) whom true to the legal definition cannot empathize with others emotions and she personally doesn't even really care who she's hurting or what she's doing to hurt them. Opaline is firing her teleportation spell like an absolute mad mare and while she lasts a lot longer with dodging than the others eventually pip gets hit before she can close the holding cell to protect Sparky and she is teleported away as well before opaline grabs Sparky and walks away wrapped in her cloak laughing maniacally. Meanwhile hearing the crash Misty happened to peek into the office and saw her "teacher" attacking her friends. "I got to find someone to help! " Misty tries to check in with Sonny Izzy and zip only for literally no one to be around and after stopping off at Pie's Pizzeria she learns that sheriff hitch is missing as well and she explains to a freaked out Justin that at worst the reunification 5 had all been struck with a teleportation spell not a freaking death beam and after Justin explains that if all five of the ponies responsible for bringing the magic back to Equestria were missing then he had no idea who could help that Misty could possibly turn to only for her to explain that "that I know of there is one, I have to find deputy Sprout Cloverleaf." She says with the utmost seriousness.

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