First Contact: The Cowboy was Like an ET

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A bloody liver chestnut red-coated stallion with a golden blonde mane and tail, and the closer you get to is hooves, coffee creamer colored ankles, is seen from above walking through a Forest of massive plants and as the heroic introductive music dies down the stallion in question is mumbling to himself.

"Stupid unicorn! Rotten pegasi! Although I will argue that that pipp girl actually seemed kind of nice if not a little absorbed by her freaky electronics. In any case, they and my so-called friends are the reason I fell out of favor not just with the town, my home of Maretime Bay, but with my own mo..."


"Ahh! hah!" Upon being scared the stallion enters a fighting stance, after screaming a bit like a fully. Upon seeing a frizzy very curly blue mane kind of a violet-ey navy blue coat and and a horn on her head, the young 27-year-old stallion is suddenly very worried although he knows just from looking at her without realizing she has a blank flank he should at least hear this unicorn out seeing as how she's not the unicorn that wandered into his town one day and got him to start preparing his town to go to war. "You're... A unicorn!" His voice expresses mostly shock, a little horror, and a touch of... Is that... Intrigue?

"Y-yes, my name is Misty. Misty Brightdawn!" The beautiful unicorn mirror introduces herself before asking in that same shy tone "Ar-are you the famous Sprout Cloverleaf?"

"It's Cloverfield. Sprout Cloverfield at Your service" he tries to be nice despite rolling his eyes at The mention of his mother Mayor Phyllis Cloverleaf's last name, on top of being slightly afraid of this girl because of said mothers propaganda that she's been peddling into his brain for years. "I really am only known for one thing and I?" Sprout asks to no one in particular all the while Misty is still standing right there listening to him drone on about being famous for being the child of a propaganda spewing political figure who turned her kid into a raging dictator and didn't try to stop him until the real sheriff of his home came back, until...

"Aren't you the former emperor of Maretime Bay?" Misty asks cutting his thought process off entirely and Sprout looks at her with a not too happy look on his face.

"I was also the deputy and for at least one day the sheriff of my hometown you know?" Despite his deadpan voice she took little to no offense to it.

"You were sheriff hitch trailblazers deputy? Perfect that means you really can help me!" She says in a mixture of joy and panic.

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down there Misty!" He says stepping closer trying to ease her nerves before one specific question has to be asked. "What do you mean 'help' you?"

"The princesses of zephyrhites, the Butterball of bridlewood, and the sheriff and alicorn of Maretime Bay have all been captured!"

"Hitch and sunny are gone?!" Sprout asks with a hint of a mix of fear and anger in his voice. "We need to go get a little help."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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