Chapter Eleven • Limbo

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"I've been staying with Sam; keeping an eye on him like you asked." Illyana says softly and I smile in thanks.

"He hasn't been doing so well, Alec. He won't stop looking for answers and he has nightmares every night." She pauses. "He needs you."

I try to shake off the storm of sadness that washes over me. "I know but I need to know how to return to my original form first. I hate being stuck in limbo." I complain.

For those who are confused, let me fill you in:

While me and Roberto were arguing with Reyes, you accidentally cursed yourself." she tells me and I wince at the information. "At first I was not going to tell you, but I've grown attached to you so here's the plan: we're going to go back to reality and unleash are power on those men...and when the time comes to defeat our enemy, you're going to have to use your power to stop it and ultimately, you will have to die."

"Tell me what I have to do and I'll do it." I respond without hesitation. Anything for Sam.

"You're going to absorb all of your power inside of yourself; it will kill you, releasing the curse that you put on yourself." She explains as I try to follow along. "I will then use my magic to send your spirit to limbo, therefor giving us a chance at bringing you back."

"That sounds risky." I admit. "But I'll do whatever it takes."

So now here I am, stuck in limbo with no one for company unless Illyana decides to pops through.

I have nightmares constantly as well. All of them involving me being stuck in limbo forever and never being able to see Sam again.

Illyana's been keeping me updated on everything, so that's good. Everyone got a job to help pay for their singular apartment. It can get cramped with all five of them but Illyana says they manage.

Maiya went back to her cottage with her father. She still stays in touch with the crew though, because apparently she and Illyana are now dating. I'm really happy for them.

Rahne and Dani have been helping each other grieve. Illyana told me they cuddle up by the fireplace every night and never say a word; they just sit their and mourn me, Dani's father, etc.

Roberto decided to start playing the field again. He wanted to get over his past and find a nice girl to settle down with. So far he hasn't had any luck.

Illyana has been spending all her time trying to bring me back, which I'm extremely grateful for. She says it's hard keeping all of this a secret but I don't want to get everyone's hopes up and have this not work out.

According to Illyana, Sam doesn't believe I'm dead. He's reading books from libraries, researching about vanishing magic. He hasn't slept in days because he's been so busy trying to find out what happened to me.

I can't say I blame him; if the roles were reversed, I'd be doing the same thing.

"I found a lead." Illyana tells me with a hope filled voice. I try not to get my hopes up but it's so hard considering I've been in this lonely place for months.

"Okay so this plan has three elements. We need a mutant with teleportation besides me because I will be busy keeping limbo open. We need someone who has the ability of adaptation, and someone who can absorb power then redirect it." She explains as if it's the most simple thing in the world.

"So I'll get the power absorber to absorb the adapters powers then I'll bring the absorber and the mutant with teleportation into limbo where the absorber can give you the power to adapt. Once that's in motion, the mutant who can teleport will get you and the absorber out of there safely and since you would have the adapters ability, you should automatically return to your natural form."

I blink at her in astonishment.

"That's so crazy it just might work." I say with excitement.

"Do you know anyone with those powers?" I ask her and she nods.

"That's what I've been searching for." She replies. "The mutant with teleportation and the ability to absorb work for Profesor X but the problem with the adapter is that...he's dead." Illyana admits and my smile drops.

"Shit." I curse. "What are we going to do now?"

"Don't worry." She assures me. "He has a little sister with the same ability."

"Well fuck, why didn't you lead with that?!" I say dramatically, placing a hand to my heart.

Illyana rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm going to the mutant school tomorrow." She says and I sigh, knowing that she's gonna have to go soon.

"You know, if you ever get lonely waiting for me..." she begins and I cut her off, already knowing where this is going.

"I can't get his hopes up Illy. We don't know if this will work."

"I know." She says while looking down at the ground. "Sometimes hope can be a good thing though."

She leaves, giving me time to think things over.

Of course hope can be a good thing. Hope can give people motivation and make people work harder...but it can also break a heart.

If things don't work out, then I don't want to break Sam's heart more than I already have. He deserves so much better than that.

Besides, Illyana and I already made a deal: if Illyana can't find a way to bring me back, then she will undo the spell so that I can truly die and rest in peace.

I don't think Sam could handle me leaving him again.

I lay my head down and try to fall asleep. I eventually drift off with more nightmares of what my fate could be.

I'm peeved because there is nothing I can do.

It all depends on the plan.

On the mutants.

On my power

On the girl I once hated.

On the girl who once hated me.

It all depends on Illyana.

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