what I do wrong

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My teacher was being racist so I called her I racist White bitch and then preceded to destroy the class remind you I was like 9 so my anger issues was not controlled  and she calls my guardian my pops was there and he asked why I did that and I said because she was being racist and so I had to leave early and I got in the car and my grandma cuss me out made me right what for 1000 times thinking it was going to make me really change but I guess made me worse so after I'm pretty sure they try to make me apologize but I never did because why should I she didn't need a apology and till this day I hop she choke on the air and die but that just me so ya and till I get I to choker her  like Chucky did Lexi I might have let it go bit for now I don't think so but hey now that just me 😁

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