Prince problems

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I hate being prince it sucks, every study session, every training, every event they all drive me crazy. Not to mention I'm a fiend, fiends are the result of what happen with what society calls a monster has a child with a human. A fiend can take both forms. There was a slight knock at my door bringing me from my thoughts. "Zenko please come downstairs your father has requested to see you." That was my personal maid Yijun. I sign to myself, father is another thing I hate. He acts so nice to the people but not his son. I change out of my sleep clothes and change into my yellow hanfu. I am quite fond of the color yellow but much prefer the color red. I take the time to do my hair. Leaving my room I turn to yijun. " Yijun where will I be meeting my father? The emperor has asked to meet you in the dining hall young Zenko. Yijun replied. I sigh and begin my walk to the dining hall. I start to sing the nursery rhyme my mother used to sing to me. "Da tuzi bingle er tuzi qiao, san tuzi mai yao si tuzi ao, wu tuzi moming yun diao liu tuzi hai, tu mama you shengle yi dui shuangbaotai." " Zenko is that the nursery rhyme that your mother used to sing?" I look down at the floor for a few moments " what was my mother like?" Father had gotten tired of mothers pleading for my sake and removed her permanently. I was pretty young so I have barely any memory All I remember is that she sang to me that song.  " your mother was a kind empress who was very kind. The people loved her. Who could blame them. Li was an amazing leader with lots of wisdom." I stop in my tracks a shocked feeling taking over me. " my mother's name was Li. Cutting our conversation short we arrive at the dining hall. I wish you luck young Zenko. I enter the dining hall to be met with my father sitting down. " Zenko my son have a seat. I want to talk to you about something very important." I sat down across from my father not speaking a word. " Zenko I want to discuss your behavior, let me rephrase your behavior is not the problem. You need to do more for our people. You never go to any ceremonies, you never help with anything regarding our land. You need to be better your the next emperor. Zenko you will be attending a ceremony with jingyi, I want you to get more comfortable with her as I want you to marry in the future. I can feel the anger bubbling inside me. "The hell are you talking about. Who are you to decide what I do." The energy in the room begins to shift as I lose my temper. " Why do you think I don't want to do anything for our people I don't want to be emperor how hard is that for you fucking understand. The atmosphere in the room getting tense. The anger I feel increases and the dark energy starts becoming visible. " Zenko calm down." Father calmly responds "Calm who the hell are you talking to." The energy starts to crystallize on my hands. Zenko I am warning you calm down. My father's gaze now on the dark energy. " no you don't understand I'm tired of your bullshit." At this point my transformation was completely finished. " GUARDS" father screamed. " why are you calling for help you seemed so confident a second ago" the guards enter the room and take a look at me and lose there composure for only a second. The guards throw some form of potion at me and I slowly lose consciousness. When I awoke I was in a basement of some sort. "Zenko your awake your a lot stronger than I thought. Let me explain your situation you see as you know your a fiend. And your little outburst caused you to show a bit of your dragon side." The mysterious person explained. " here have a look at yourself the mysterious man said holding up a mirror.
I looking into the mirror I see. My dark mocha skin and my straight jet black hair. My hand now a Snow White that goes up to my arm. Horns of the dragon present on my head and my once brown eyes now a purple. " what happened to me?" The mysterious person came closer to me. "You have become a real monster. And you we are going to keep you here forever." I look over at the mysterious man. " what are you saying" the mysterious man puts my hands in handcuffs and leads me out of the room I was in. " Zenko we are going to show your kingdom who you really are." " Wait stop you don't know what your doing I'm good I promise I would never hurt anyone. I scream out sounding desperate. Sorry Zenko you can blame your excuse of a mother for giving birth to a monster like you the mysterious man spoke. " Don't You Dare Speak About My Mother You" the mysterious man hits me with his elbow. Let's go fiend. The man lead me out of the basement and through the house. We began walking trough the city as the man yells "PEOPLE DO YOU SEE THIS FIEND THIS IS YOU SOON TO BE EMPEROR" the looks of the people who used to look at me with love was painful. There eyes burned holes into me and I couldn't do anything. Many started talking among themselves. " can you believe that is Zenko." "Mommy I'm scared, it's ok sweetie the bad man can't get you." "How dare he think he could be emperor." The people voices were painfully to listen to. The mysterious man looked back at me and smiled. "YOU SEE THIS FIEND WE WILL BE SACRIFICING HIM IN THE CENTER OF TOWN." I began to shake in fear. I don't want be he here I wish I was in my room and having a nice conversation with yijun. I look down and catch sight of my ripped hanfu it's once golden yellow and now a muddy yellow.
Tears began to fill the corners of my eyes. The mysterious man leads me to the center of town where I was handcuffed down. Many people began to throw whatever they could find at me. " people let use begin the sacrifice of this fiend. When I say zero my buddy here with decapitate the fiend. Three two one zero. There was pain but only for a moment it was cold but only for a moment. I open my once closed eyes to a white void of open space. There was a person here a girl with four arms a pair which was attached and a pair which was floating. She wore a brown fur dress and she had a half up half down hair style. "Zenko we finally meet I am kanasuki strange name but still I think it suit me well. Welcome to white space not a omori reference. Oh right you just woke up hehe let me explain. So this is my domain and Im a goddess of reincarnation."
" so what are you saying I asked." " here Zenko I have something for you." " here I have a dragon ring for you with this ring you can transform for human to fiend to dragon."
I take the ring from kanasuki and put it on felling a new determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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