[what the....]

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after the henituse battle the crown prince and the heroes are now discussing on what will they do next because they lost too much and the enemies have already invaded some of the land when suddenly a blinding light emerge when they open their eyes they found themselves in a unfamiliar place except for choi han he knew this place....

"What the where are we?"
"I don't know to your highness."Rosalyn answer.lock noticed his hyung and ask" hyung you don't seem to be confuse where are we right now perhaps you know?"
"We are in side of the forest of darkness....."choi han answer
"Hoh" ron can't help but be amused at this suddenly they heard rosalyn
" your highness a letter suddenly appear!" Rosalyn said giving the letter to the crown prince.

When crown prince got the letter, the letter started to speak as if someone was reading it and the voice said this.

[ hello mortals i'm god of death and as you see you guys are in a another dimension it's the same as your dimension the only problem is the war in your dimension lasted after 20 years and still lost but in this dimension it lasted only two years and won the war because of a certain person i thought you guys here to find that person and ask for information to help you guys but i must warn you don't you guys there do anything stupid to that person and to the people around him or else the enemy you're facing right now in your dimension will not only be the organization but also them and believe me when i say it if that happened i believe that instead of 20 years of war and lost it will be shortened as one year of war and your world will be destroyed because of you guys did something to that certain person not even as gods can't stop them this is your last chance mortals so messed up and don't do anything stupid i'll give you one month to gain information don't worry about your world the time has stopped in your dimension so take your time and gain information but i must one one last time don't do anything stupid and don't hurt that person]

They were all dumbfounded at this but still glad that the god of death give them a chance to gain information mostly when they are in the middle of needing information since they are lacking of it. But what confuse them more is what the god of death mean by their world getting destroyed if doing anything to that person but brush it off since they only have one month and they need to observe what is the difference between this world and their world.

"hmm the god of death did say that this world is the same as ours right ? Then that means we can meet are parallel self and ask them for information maybe they'll know but by judging the atmosphere where we are that means in this dimension the war must have already ended." His highness alberu said." Now that you say it your highness you're right!" Rosalyn said.

" but we need to get out of here first,hyung how did you know where inside of the forest of darkness?"lock ask." It's because i've been here before i'll take the lead out of here it's dangerous to be here too long especially in night there many monsters here."choi han said
" very well" alberu said.
After they walk and walk they spotted a cave choi han was confused he had never seen this cave before.

" your highness this cave isn't he before should we take a look what's inside of it your highness?" Ask choi han." I guess it's alright maybe we might find someone in here and ask.
Miss rosalyn." After the crown prince said it and said Rosalyn's name she already cast invisibility spell on them and give them some robe.

They steadily went in without making a noise and when they reach the bottom of the cave they were so shock and mesmerized on what's in front of them there was a 5 story house villa that is even more beautiful than the crown prince palace everything was made of marble and there was also a fountain and sculptures and a garden. They snap out of their thought and started to walk to the garden and they spotted someone.

The said person was sitting on a rocking chair asleep with his red long hair tied in a half.

The said person was sitting on a rocking chair asleep with his red long hair tied in a half

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|Just pretend is in a rocking chair without the children and asleep|

'Ho is young master' ron thought
" that trash what is he doing here!" Choi han shouted angrily thankfully it wasn't that loud. Choi han still angry at cale for bad mounting the Harris village." Come down choi han remember what the god of that said we are in a different dimension media master cale can lead us to the person or to other self" said rosalyn
" miss rosalyn is right choi han." The crown prince Alberu said with his prince scamming smile.

They walk towards the sleeping cale when they are already in front of him
Ron volunteered to wake the sleeping cale is been a long time since he saw his puppy young master that he had taken care of since he was still a child.
Beacrox however frown by his father's idea but didn't say anything.

Ron lightly tapped cale's shoulder to wake him up " young master wake up" said ron.cale hearing rons voice Waked up immediately.

'Hmm young master seems to be thin than before'ron thought but his thought was immediately thought of when he heard cales voice.

Only ron had his robe of while the others still had the robe on their heads to cover their face.

Cale looked at ron and said"oh ron you're already back from your manhunt?" Ask cale.

Ron and beacrox flinch did they revealed themselves already? They both brush it off.

"Wait you're not ron who are you?" Cale speak again glaring at the six individual. " your highness should we knock him out?" Rosaly ask then suddenly choi han started to shout
"SHUT UP YOU TRASH!"choi han was getting annoyed and angry at cale and was about to attack him when suddenly a shield surrounded the redhead. Rosalyn was shocked she recognize this shield cause of the strong mana 'its a DRAGON SHIELD!' She thought.

They then heard some voices when they look to find who's voices that belong they saw a dragon and two cats that is from the cat tribe. They were shocked when they saw that. But what shock them more is what they said.

"Yeah nya and they even pretend to be choi han and granpa ron nya!"


Raon and hong shouted."w-wait dragon nim we can explain!!"said rosalyn panicking removing her robe so did the others. While choi han was in deep thought when he saw the black dragon 'isn't at the dragon that i killed...'he thought.

On then transform into her human form same goes for hong.On was beside cale and scoffs.

"Tch explain?what can you imposters explain i can't believe it, there's no need you almost hurt cale what if we got late and that imposter choi han hits him hmm what can you imposter do?"said On feeling angry at the imposter's.cale then stands up and hold the angry raon "hey calm down you guys might get hurt they are not imposters cause if they are the alarm will ring remember?"said cale calming down raon,hong and On.

The 6 individual was shock as they looked at them then they heard cale speak" who are you guys and what do you guys want? Who send you here?" He ask the crown prince alberu was the first to snap out from the shock and put his scamming smile and said
"As you see young master cale we are from another dimension and the one who bring us here was god of death we are here to gain information about the upcoming war and the god of death had a certain person new a lot information about upcoming war so young master cale if you know that person can you atleast lead us to him or if not to are parallel self. And i apologize for a rude behaviour"

"Huh that god idiot do he really want his temples to be destroyed!"hong shouted.

Sighs....cale can't help but sighs will he really going to have his slaker life cale closed his eyes and saw his slaker life leaving him and saw work-min coming with this cale is having big stress and eventually passed out.

He heard the tree children shouted before he passed out but instead of the hard ground someone catch him before he fell to the ground.
Happy reading!
1529 words!

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