Vicky x fem reader☁️pt.2

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This was requested by Whyyouhere_huh
After the brief cat ride to the building for the company you were applying to work at you got checked in and now sat in the waiting room anxiously before getting called in for your interview.
You and Vicky did well for yourselves with your old job but this job offered double the pay of your old one and well it sounded like a good deal to you. Despite the fact that you knew you'd be a perfect fit for the job and you had the proper education you couldn't help but be nervous. As you sat down in a mildly decorated office as the person in front of you read through your resume you played with your hands in your lap. You heard the person sigh and looked up right away impatient for what they had to say "well then after a second look at your resume and your qualifications I've decided that you would be a perfect match for this job. The only thing left to discuss is when you'll be able to start?" You lit up at their response smiling brightly "actually I can start working as soon as next Monday!" You answered enthusiastically "great then that's settled I'll see you Monday to give you a rundown then you can begin working." They smiled back at you as you both reached over the desk to shake hands.
As you drove home giddily excited to tell Vicky the good news you looked in your rear view to see an old park that brought back an old memory.
It was a month after you had moved to your new home and you still hadn't managed to make any friends, at least no real friends. There was the group of girls that you sat with at lunch and pretty much stuck beside in your day to day school life but even then they weren't really your friends. In fact the only reason they kept you around was because you were the okay looking foreign new girl. But how long would that last? You sat on the swings in the run down park that no one seemed to ever be in deep in your own thoughts and worries. What if you ended up alone for the rest of the year and your social life turned to shit? Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a skirt of wheels against the pavement before a loud thud. You jerked your head up in concern rushing over to help the red head you just witnessed crash their bike. Upon further inspection you noticed that the cause of the accident was the riders chain popping and making the bike lose control, oh and that said person was that girl Vicky from your class. You two never really talked much(partially because she was always skipping) and you'd never really payed much attention to her in turn. "Hey are you okay?" You asked worriedly and for a moment the girl didn't respond and even allowed you to help her up head turned away from yours. You heard a sniff and pursed your lips " crying?" You asked slowly but jerked back when she shook you off of her "hell no! Why would I cry over a damn fall!" She grunted wiping the dirt off herself and scowling your way. Once she faced you, you could confirm that she had in-fact been crying. "Oh really so I'm guessing you just got something in your eyes then huh?" You asked sassily crossing your arms looking unconvinced."YEAH! WELL-maybe I was crying but it wasn't over a damn tumble..." she growled looking down at her feet fist clenched. Your attitude faded at her confession feeling a bit bad for her, you took her hand in yours sitting you both at a bench  "...what are you doing?" She muttered red in the face not used to being so close to others "I dunno... you just seem like you need a friend annnddd so do I." You responded refusing to look her in the eyes. She chuckled at that "pfft you really are a loser."
You were brought back to reality after that brief memory passed smiling fondly to yourself as you continued your way home. As soon as you entered the house Vicky was stomping her way towards you and looked anxious for what you had to say. After a brief pause you smiled brightly at her throwing your arms open "I got the job!" As spam as the words left your mouth Vicky was scooping you up in her arms and squeezing you tightly "HOLY SHIT! YOU GOT THE JOB!" She yelled before kissing you in her happiness you kissed her back with just as much excitement giggling as you parted. "Alright so how are we celebrating tonight?" She asked as she set you down taking your hand. "Night out drinking? A nice dinner? Or maybe something a little more physical if you know what I mean~" she suggested twirling you as she spoke. "Welllll~" you started placing your hands on her chest and biting your lip "I was actually thinking we could have a nice little picnic date at aaaaa- location of my choice." You spoke watching as she deflated before smiling sweetly at you "yeah that sounds nice. Can't promise it won't lead to more though the thought of you being some sexy business women really wakes something in me." She half joked kissing your cheek. You both went your separate ways getting dressed and ready for your little date as well as preparing the food.
You chose to dress up a little for the occasion and wore a cute outfit that fit the picnic aesthetic whilst Vicky who was trying to also stick to the aesthetic to appease you wore a flannel and trousers. At least the colors were neutral tho?
Once you both made it to the park you sat on the swings gently swaying back and forth while Vicky set everything up for you both. Once she'd finished she walked over to you "alright babe everything's all set up so let's dig in!" She grinned and you smiled softly back at her standing and following her back to the little clearing with everything laid out looking delicious. The two of you are and chatted for a while joking and laughing together as you celebrated your new job while sipping wine. By the time the sun began to set you were feeling a tad bit tipsy Vicky on the other hand feeling as sober as could be. You helped her pack everything up this time and brought a few things to the car. Before you finally had to leave you took another moment and sat on the swings looking into the sunset as you rocked yourself on your toes. Vicky approached you after putting the things away taking a seat on the swing beside you "What's on your mind?" She wondered aloud "do you remember way back then when you fell off your bike and started crying?" You spoke giggling near the end. "Yeah." She chuckled looking at you "You hadn't been crying because you'd fell of the bike that day huh?" You looked over to her and she looked surprised "No... I hadn't I forgot the real reason now tho." She responded as she stopped swinging and stood up "The reason I forgot is because to me that memory was one of my happiest, becoming closer to you in this park... on this day." She spoke a rugged softness to her voice as you watched her stand in front of you, you hadn't even remembered the date let alone the fact that today was in fact the same day and month as 12 years ago "Which is why I want to make this another special day for you and me so..." you watched silent and frozen as she got down on her knee pulling a small box out of her back pocket opening it and traveling a beautiful ring with your favorite stone in the middle. "Will you marry me y/n?" she asked grinning. Your mouth opened and before you knew it your bottom lip was trembling and your throat tightened as you chocked back a sob nodding with a hand over your mouth. "yeah!" You giggled in a wobbly tone standing up after Vicky slid the ring on your finger and jumping onto her hugging and kissing her "I love you so damn much!" You whimpered. "I love you just as much " she responded just as happy as you are trying her hardest to not choke up herself "besides since your gonna be the bread maker now I figured I should make one last move as the one wearing the pants in the relationship." She joked and you laughed slapping her chest" I may be the bread maker but I will never wear the pants." You joked back smiling up at her.

You:how'd you know I was planning to go to that old park?
Vicky:I didn't but I wanted the night to be special when I proposed
You:...wait a minute so did you lie about the dates being the same as when we first saw each other there?!

A/n)Next is gonna be a request most likely so look out for that! This was 1549 words btw!!:]

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