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*Note: I am not definite on the name so the name may change for this character.* *Hope you enjoy and tell me what you think :)*


The light goes out. I scream on the top of my lungs.

Where am I? That I do not know. How did I get here? That is still fuzzy as I try to recall.

I look around my surroundings. Nothing. All I see is nothing. Pitch black.

I scream as loud and as long as I can before I start to feel like I am about to faint. And then I wait, but all I get in return is silence.

I stand up from where I was placed and start to familiarize myself of where I may be located. I place my hands before me and slowly take baby steps.

"Hello?" I whisper in question as fear starts to rush over me. The questions keep replaying in my mind but faster and faster overlapping each other as the fear sinks more and more in reality. Where am I? And how did I get here?

I come across with my hands to what feels like a cage wall that stands before me. I try to see if I can place my hand through but I can only get a few fingers in at one time.

I travel my surroundings with the cage wall as my guide. I find the cage wall is 3/4th of the square and the remaining 1/4th of my cagement is what feels like a brick wall.

I place myself on the floor to only be greeted by cold concrete. I get up and try the cage wall a few more times in hope of a door but each and every time I only get in return is pure failure.

I start to crawl myself around the floor in hope of something. As I inch towards the wall I am welcomed with something cold. I use it to pull myself up. I feel around to see it is a cot bed. A bed! I find delight in finding it, or maybe because I did actually find something.

I finally decide to travel back to the bed. I do not feel tired but I know sitting here panicking isn't going to do me any good.

I finally am able to get comfortable to drift off and as I am about to fall asleep I swear I thought I heard somebody say "sweet dreams sweetie!"


I wake up in a cold sweat screaming as loud as I can muster. I open my eyes to only a dim light being shown. It takes me a moment but I come to realize that I have just woken up from one nightmare to be reentered into another one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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