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Mabels POV:

Dipper can put a serious DIP in the mood. He starts lecturing and lecturing about weird human stuff, I mean I just asked why they eat fish!

Now he's lecturing about PiRaTeS, what even is a pirate? I know that humans have food called pies, and sometimes when I sneak off to a random dock I see these weird things called rats.

But those are nothing alike!

I bet you pirates don't even exist, their probably just there to hide a dumb rule, rules are always getting in the way of fun!

" if HuMaNs are so DaNgErOuS then why do you have a head thing made by one?" I pulled his weird blue and white head thing over his face as a joke.

" Grunkle Stan found it in a weird human kelp, knot.. thing, he said I could keep it" he flicked me away with his dark blue tail that matched his head thing.

" in fact, they probably put the weird knot things there to TRAP us!" He started again.

" well I'm going to go see if that's true!" I flicked my hot pink tail fashionably and swam off.

But of corse I wasn't going to Grunkle Stan, I just said that so dipper wouldn't be a worry-whale. I'm actually going for a nice (totally not sneaky) swim.

In fact, I heard from old merman Mcgucket that there's a new ship!

Okay here me out, I know I said that I was taking a break from writing but this was to good a story to give up!



263 words

The mermaid and the non-pirate - gravity falls, Mabel x Pacifica Where stories live. Discover now