Chapter 24

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Oh my gosh I can't thank you guys enough for reading my first wattpad book I know this is probably really lame but I'm so excited that this has reached one thousand views ^-^ thank you thank you thank you! Okay sorry going to stop being a dork now. Please keep reading and letting me know what you think! Enjoy!


"Told you, a mani pedi is always the trick."

Cat teased as she fixed my cuticles. She had been working on my hands while her mom gave me a pedicure. Her mom was a beautician and had taught Cat how to do nails. Both women agreed that there was no better way to get back to normal than a good pampering. But something told me she had something up her sleeve.

"Okay finished with those!" Cat declared smugly as we both assessed her handy work.

The ocean blue color mirrored my own eye color. It was actually quite pretty. And I had needed one of these. All the stress has been causing me to pick at and bite my nails. Not ladylike, I know, but bad habits were always the hardest to kick. Plus it was fun to just relax and talk with Cat, we had both been too busy with our mates and planning for the Gala. The girls night out didn't go too well either. So sitting around and discussing just girly things wasn't a bad change. When it had gotten late Cat walked with me back to Graham's house.

He still had yet to return. It was already dark, and past dinner time. Maybe he had decided not to come home tonight. I sighed at the thought and offered for Cat to come in. I wanted to show her the blue ball gown I had gotten the time I went to the mall with Graham for the Gala. It wasn't a surprise that she loved it. I was obsessed with it too.

I let her continue to look through my clothes while I went to shower. I had already stripepd down and stepped under the water when I realized I hadn't grabbed a towel or clothes. I called out to Cat for her to grab me some.

"I'm leaving these on the counter, I'm going to head home now." She called out and I thanked her.

I let myself soak in the hot water a little longer before turning it off and heading for my towel. The plush fabric wrapped comfortably around my body just like it had when I first arrived here. When I looked down at the clothing selection Cat had left for me I couldn't help but laugh. Just as cheeky as Alethia.

Instead of actual clothes there was only two pieces of silky orchid fabric. Picking up the larger first I laughed again. It was a short piece of negligee that I had never seen before. The tag was still on it and I'm assuming Cat had doodles the small winky face along with a note suggesting it would help with Graham. I snorted, year, but in what way? The smaller piece was matching panties to go with it. I shrugged and put both pieces on. I had a lot of apologizing to do and I could use all the help I could get.

After brushing my hair I left it to air dry before crawling into bed. I was a little tired but I turned on the television to entertain me until Graham got home.

Unfortunately I fell asleep before that could happen. Unaware to my unconscious being, Graham eventually did come home, although much later. After preparing for bed, he stopped to glance at me before leaving the room. He must have took pity on my and my wolf as restless sleep had me tossing and turning. Most likely with a sigh he joined me in bed on his side. Once he settled I instinctively rolled over to rest my head against his chest. The way my leg naturally moved up to create a number four shape revealing my attire to him. With a snort maybe out of amusement, or disgust he let me be, clearly it was not eye catching enough for desire or he would have woke me. But never the less he stayed with me for a few hours, along both of our wolves peace in order to sleep, however short as he snuck out in the early hours of the morning. WHen I would wake I would be alone again, without recollection of his presence beside s the freshness of his sent on his pillow.

By the time lunch time had arrived I was severely grumpy. Graham had disappeared again without a word and it was frustrating. That only made me more frustrated at myself because I was my own person and I should be perfectly satisfied in my own company. The mate bond and my whiny wolf rejected that idea however.

Instead of wallowing away another day I plunged head first into my work. Once my pack work was finished I focused on the Gala. It was approaching quite quickly. I had been here nearly three months and the Gala was being held on the Summer Solstice, two days after my eighteenth birthday.

Things were mostly finished planning. The Gala would take place in the old pack mansion. It used to house every member of the pack back when it was less than a hundred members and Graham's great grandfather had been Alpha. Now it was used for special events that needed to be held indoors like weddings or fancy parties like this. Today I had gone to look through it for only the second time ever.

This time it had been cleaned and dusted. Who knew a place could collect so much dust when it wasn't in use. But instead of blankets of dust the room glowed of cream marble and gold. It was old looking in a classic eternal way instead of dingy. Long maroon curtains swept from the tall ceilings to the sparkling marble floor framing the tall windows that were lined in a metal like wrought iron. The high noon sun danced through the empty room from the exposed glass ceiling that was revealed when the panels of metal shingles were cranked away. It was gorgeous in the daylight, the whole empty room cast in a golden glow. But the night of the Gala it would be spectacular.

Candles would be everywhere, the walls, the tables, along the grand central staircase. WHite linen fabric would decorate the tables and chairs. And when the party would start at night fall, the metal shingles would be removed to reveal millions of stars twinkling in the sky to such a multitude that is only possible from a New Moon night in the middle of no where, where no light pollution could distort the beautiful view. Everyone would be present in the makeshift ballroom for the reveal.

"You have quite the digs here." Damien.

Broken from my day dream I whirl around to see a voice I could never mistake. A smile shot across my face only to widen when I saw his smile. It even made his eyes crinkle. I know he hadn't been happy about me finding my mate, so finally getting a true smile out of him after nearly three months, it meant a lot to me.

I ran across the room, my sandals clapping across the hard floor as I close the distance between us and throw my arms around him. He let out a hearty laugh and lifted me up to spin me around.

"You're here!"

"In the flesh!"

"Why? I mean I'm happy to see you, like ecstatic, but why?"

"The Gala of course. Did you forget you invited us?"

"Of course not. But it's not for two weeks."

Damien shrugged, "Well we heard about your little idea. Plus Valentine was really anxious to see you again. We just arrived a bit ago. Derek was on a lead so he'll be arriving later." Yeah that sounds like Derek.

"Well if my lovely sister is waiting for me I must go grace her with my presence." I faked a prissy voice and pulled Damien out of the old pack house.

We hurried along happily my grumpy mood from earlier long forgotten. When I saw Valentine I instantly pulled her into a hug. I pulled back both of us wearing megawatt smiles. Jeez she looked even more beautiful than the last time she came to visit. Her blond hair was full and sun kissed, her brown eyes bright and sparkling, her pale skin radiating. I guess having one less teenager to keep an eye on has done her well.

"I'm going to go find Zane and let you guys have your girl talk."

We  both stuck out our tongues at Damien before busting out laughing. I brought her inside the house and we hopped up onto the couch together. I was waiting for her to start talking, I could practically feel her about to burst.

"So I was going to wait till Derek arrived so we could tell you together but I can't keep this from you any longer."

My face scrunches in confusion what is she talking about? Wait - is? I sniff the air. Oh my -

"I'm pregnant!"

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