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Tate enters her apartment after dealing with the gang a few blocks away. She pulls the bandana down from her face and places her batons on the table. She quickly changes out of her outfit and hides it in the box at the back of her closet along with her batons. She sits at her table and opens her laptop to finish some of her hacking, a skill she learned from Hydra. She finds the location of a Hydra base and quickly sends the coordinates and all details relating to the base to the Avengers, anonymously. She closes her laptop, pleased with her day's work and relaxes in front of her tv for the rest of the night.


Tony enters the living room, where the rest of the Avengers are watching tv. "We've got a lead on a Hydra base" Tony states, with a tablet in his hands. "How?" Nat asks confused, as far as she knew, they had no leads and nowhere to start looking for some. "Anonymous tip" Tony answers as he sends the anonymous tip to the tv for everyone to see. "Everything checks out. As far as I know, this is legit" he adds. "Can you track where the tip came from?" Clint questions. "I've tried, I can't get anything. It's probably the same anonymous we've been getting tips from for 2 years" Tony answers, realising the similarities between all of their anonymous tips. "Why do they keep sending us tips? Who are they?" Bruce questions curiously. "Believe me, I want to know just as much as you do. They're good at covering their tracks. Either way, this checks out. Cap, I'll send you the details to make a strategy" Tony answers before turning to Steve. "Yeah, we'll head out tomorrow morning" Steve replies with a nod before leaving to make a strategy.

The following morning, they all gather on the quinjet to head to England to take down the Hydra base. They enter through each entrance in an attempt to corner the agents inside. With only a few scrapes and bruises, they successfully gathered most agents and stopped any activity within the building. But everyone can't help but wonder about the person giving them the anonymous tips. Who are they? How are they getting the information? Why aren't they using it themselves? How do they find them?

Lucky for Tate, she's excellent at covering her tracks. She ensures that her tips to the Avengers can't be tracked, also a skill she learned from Hydra. She can't risk them finding her. She can't risk Tony finding her. Imagine how ashamed he'd be if he found out she's hidden from him for 5 years.


Meanwhile, Tate continues her research into an organisation in New York. She fought them while at Hydra, they were considered a threat. Which is concerning. If they were a threat to Hydra then they must've been much worse. They're certainly good at covering their tracks. Tate is finding it incredibly difficult to find any information about them. She has very few details until she breaks through a firewall in their security system. She finds the location of the base and quickly writes them down. She rushes to her closet and takes out the box with her outfit. She quickly changes and ties the bandana around her neck and pulls it up over her mouth and nose before attaching her batons to her thighs. She runs out the door, heading straight towards the organisation's base of operations.

She briefly wonders if she's in over her head but quickly dismisses the thought and decides on a stealth mission. Get in, find any information, get out. And don't get caught. She finds the entrance and slides in behind an agent and hides behind a wall. Her heart starts racing as she realises what she's doing. Alone. She takes a few steps down a hallway and the alarms start to sound. She frantically looks around her but finds the hallway empty and wonders how they know she's here. Before she's able to give it another thought, a voice comes over a speaker system.

"All agents to defence positions. The Avengers are approaching" it orders and Tate hears agents running towards her location. She presses herself against the wall and pulls her batons out, waits for them to round the corner. They round the corner and she hits one in the face with her baton. The rest start attacking her so she uses her batons to deflect their hits and knock their weapons from their hands. She kicks them and hits them with all her strength and they drop to the floor unconscious. She attaches her batons together and uses it against the last few men. She hits one in the abdomen with the end and he doubles over in pain and winded. When he tries catching his breath she swings the end of the baton at the side of his face, knocking him unconscious. She quickly uses her batons to knock the other two men unconscious and catches her breath.

She hears other men running through hallways mixed with the sound of the Avengers fighting them and communicating with each other. She runs towards the exit, determined not be seen by them. She reaches the door when she hears them all yelling at each other for help. She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to urge herself out of the door. "There's too many of them!" she hears Tony yell amongst the noise. "Damn it!" she curses before running back down the hallway, to the Avengers.

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