Adventure Begins

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Hey there. So I just want to make sure everyone knows this right off the back. I have no fucking clue what my sexuality is! But now that that's out of the way you probably want to get the info. Ok so here in this world and yes I said world because I have no clue who might be seeing this. But here we operate differently. So there's one part of the world that men are seen as the "superior" sex. So men can do whatever they want and women have to please them. Then there's another part well side that's the exact opposite. Women can do whatever they want and men have to please them. Then in the middle there's neutral grounds. That's where men and women are equal. You just have to do your part. I live in the neutral grounds. I learned how to fight, hunt, fish, and everything that most see more men doing than women. I took dance but only to better my fighting. I always have my knife w/ me. It's a nice knife that can really keep an edge. I don't know what's it's made of because they said that only the smiths can know. It's like culture that's really secretive. Well if you're wondering how these grounds were decided well it goes off of the royalty. See the women on one side exercise a lot. 1 to keep and get amazing bodies and 2 so that they can go head to head w/ a man. Then they can cook like there's you know what I can't describe how good no great no Fantastic they can cook. Because of that they wave their bodies and food infront of a man's face specifically the king's and walla the queen has the power. Because as long as he has food and a hot body to fuck he's happy. But that's if a male was born into the crown. If it was a female she'd worked like 10 times harder to get the body and develop even better cooking skills. Why? Simple. She can get a prince from another kingdom. And if that's the case gotta make sure they get wrapped around your finger. And they get wrapped tight around your finger. And the other side of the world where men are the dominate well they make sure the women have nice bodies and can cook but they make sure men are stronger and they make sure that men have so many perks and women have so little or none that the women just think that men are better. So it's more mental abuse than on the other side. Now you may wonder how we got a neutral ground. Well unlike the other parts if the world they have multiple kingdoms there. The neutral grounds only have 1 royal family in it. And this royal family is different from the others. Others choose a spouse to fuck for forever. This royal family was blessed by the gods and they don't actually choose their spouse themselves there's a feeling they get when they look someone in the eyes that let's them know you're their spouse. Both sides are supposed to feel it. But not only that but they can and most likely will have multiple spouses. The royalty has a party for the next ruler so they can find their lovers. All the royalty from both sides come to it. And all the villagers in the neutral lands come to it as well to congratulate the royalty. That party is tonight. And boy do I hate the idea. Listen I don't mean this in a bad way but I hate royalty. Well the idea of being royalty. Everyone's like oh I wish I was a princess! Or I want to be the king! I think that's bull. They have certain rules and etiquette they have to do. Then the paper work and everything that goes into being a ruler then you have to be a good ruler or else you will fall. See I'm glad I was born a commoner. But yeah so in short I'm not looking forward to this party tonight. I already got my tux for the party though.

Before I forget my name's Briar. I'm also a female. But I hate dresses hence why I got a tux. I had been at home all day sharpening my many blades. I didn't even get a 10th of the way through all my blades before I had to get ready for the party. I also was sharpening the ones the really needed it. And that measurement was of them alone. Blade addict what can I say. My tux even has a place for my blade on it. I carried my blade till the castle. I hid it in some bushes so it won't get stolen. Also before you ask. They would mark you if you brought a weapon. And that's so you can get it back and also so that the royal family knows to beware of you. I don't want the unwanted attention so I'll just hide it then come back. I had to bring it w/ me because I feel naked and vulnerable w/o it. I got checked they asks about the obvious empty but place for a blade and I told them I didn't have it on me. They checked then cleared me. People were just idly chatting while we waited for the party to start. I went to the wall and stood there. We couldn't get drinks or snacks till the party officially started. The current king and queens took thier places on their thrones. All the commoners knelt infront of them. This what we have to do when they introduced the other royals coming to visit. I just zoned out. Soon I heard them announce the princess. Then after a few seconds the announcer then said now introducing the princes. I was confused at first but shrugged it off and zoned out again. This felt longer than the first one. Then I heard who I assumed was our princess say father mothers I can't find my other lover here. The next thing I knew was the palace doors slamming shut.

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