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I feel someone kissing my cheeks slowly in my sleep i opened my eyes slowly and look at my side and see the best view of my life my sweet kookie hyung kissing my cheeks with closed eyes

"Good morning love" he said give me peck on my lips i cover my face hyung chuckled and pull me towards him

"Wake up baby Jin hyung is coming in two hours we need to clean his house" he said standing up from bed i look at him tiredly he smile and kiss my forehead

"Go and fresh i start cleaning his room after I will make breakfast for us okay? And i will clean everything my prince" he said i blushed and looks down

"I will help you b-baby" i said shyly he look at me and smile
"Nah I will do this all my sweet cupcake" he said ruffling my hair i want to argue but he kiss me passionately i melt into kiss and put my hands on his neck pulling him close

"Go freshen up i will do all this hmm?" He said resting his forehead on my shoulder i pat his head and nod my head

"Minnie?" He call me when I was entering bathroom i stop and turn around to look at him

"I love you so much" he said cutely i blushed and looks down
"I-i I love you too baby" i said and ran into bathroom and closed the door i hear hyung's Lough

Time skip

We are done with cleaning we are sitting in living room couch hugging each other when we hear door open and close it means jin hyung is home

"Hey " jin hyung greet us with smile i ran to hug hyung he hugged me back

"Hyung guess who got boyfriend?" I asked him he look at me and made thinking face

"Namjoon?" He said innocently I shook my head and smile
"No kookie hyung asked me to be his boyfriend" i said loudly jin hyung Lough and pat my head

"Yes silly i know" he said hugging me
"Congratulations sweetie" he said hugging me and kookie hyung

"How's your proposal went?" He asked to kookie hyung kookie hyung smile and look at me lovingly i blushed and looks down

"It went well I mean great" he said jin hyung chuckled and ruffle my hair
"That's great" hyung said

"Hyung we are going thank you for your help" kookie hyung said holding my hand
"No problem kook I'm proud of you, you did all the thing alone I'm happy to know that our mochi is precious to you" hyung said looking at me i smile and kiss kookie hyung's jaw

"Stay like this hmm?" Hyung said we nod our head and walk towards gate

"Where are we going babe?" I asked hyung he look at me and smile
"Amusement park" hyung answered with smile i held his hand heading towards hyung's car

Time skip

When we entered amusement park i held hyung hand close to my chest hyung release his hand from my grip and held my waist closely i blushed and start walking towards rollercoaster. wait what rollercoaster

"Hyung no I'm going to ride this" i said hurriedly
"I'm here baby don't be afraid I'll held you close to me you will be safe with me" he said getting close to my ear i feel goosebumps and held him and nod my head unconsciously

When we ride rollercoaster i was screaming my lungs out and holding hyung tightly he was loughing at me but i was screaming loudly saying stop this stupid rollercoaster when came out of rollercoaster hyung was loughing like mad man I hit him and pretend to be angry

"Oh my Minnie is angry with me" he said i huff and start walking towards candy stall he follow me and held my hand I blushed

"I want candy" i said angrily hyung Lough and pat my head lightly and kiss my cheeks
"Sorry love for loughing" i look at him and smile kiss his jaw i don't know why but i love his jaw

"Don't be sorry hyung i was pretending to be angry" i said again kissing his jaw
"I love you" he whisper in my ear leaving small kiss i blushed

Time skip

We had so much fun today we enjoy alot i love spending time with him he always makes me smile and blushed we talk alot today we talk about plants we talk nonsense we had lunch at amusement park and after that we went to walk and we spent most of the time hugging, teasing after we went to cats cafe I love cats and hyung know that after that we went to beach we spent all the time their and we end our day with dinner at beautiful restaurant near beach today's date is wonderful i love it i want time to stop

"Hyung thank you so much" i said pecking his lips he looks at me and pull me for a passionate kiss we enjoy our kiss hyung kissing me slowly he suck my lower lip he pull me onto his lap i settled on his lap and kissed him lovingly we broke our kiss for air and again attached our lips we are kissing like their is no tomorrow we are sucking each other lips hyung's hold tightened on my waist i put my hand on his neck playing with his hair and pull him close to me we Broke our kiss with sound of pop I opened my eyes slowly and look at hyung he look at me and peck my lips i giggled

"Too much kissing hmm" i said teasingly he look at me and scratch his neck
"I can't resist your lips they are inviting" he said caressing my bottom lips with his thumb I blush and hit his chest

"Okay now let me go we have classes tomorrow" i said and started to open car door hyung grab my face and kiss me again I kissed him back and grab his shoulder tightly he swipe his tongue on my bottom lips i open my mouth hyung suck my tongue i moan in his mouth again we broke our kiss i look at hyung i want to kiss him again i got out of the car and stand their waiting for hyung to come out he came out and hug me tightly i hugged back and giggle

"Now go or I will kiss you again" hyung said looking at my lips
"Just say it if you want me to stay" i said teasingly he smile and pat my head looking at me lovingly

"Oh I love you too much" i said looking at him with pout he lough
"I love you too much too" he said hugging me

"Now go baby" he said i smile and kiss his jaw and ran towards my house

"Bye hyungie" i said loudly he wave at me and sit in his car again wave at me and drove off

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