Chapter one

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Hey I'm Rebecca Johnson I have long brown hair and blue eyes I'm 18 I'll be 19 in two months I have the sweets boyfriend ever his name is Jax Teller he is 18 he will be 19 next month I'm so in love with him. We have known each other since we was kids we go to school together I guess you could say we are high school sweet harts we hooked up on new years so our anniversary is coming up.

He works at his family goroge working on motorcycle's and cars He wants to be in his dads club but his dad don't and to be honest I don't eatheir.

Did I minchen my best friend since we was in our moms stomach's her mom and my mom went to school together and they meet their true loves in high school and they are still together. Anyway her name is Tori Moore and she is 18 but shell be 19 in three months. And my cousin Shawn has been with me since day one hes more of a brother to me and that's how we act.

Its new years eve and my parents always throw a party. My phone alarm gos off and I hit the snooze and I lay their and my phone rings.

*phone convo*
Jax: good morning beautiful
Me: I am far from beautiful this morning.
Jax: yes you are your always beautiful to me.
Me: aww baby I love you.
Jax: so what are you doing today my love?
Me: I'm going to take a shower and get ready before the party and mabey see you before your still coming right?
Jax: yes when you get done are you coming to my house?
Me: yes to kill Time if you don't mind?
Jax: no you know I don't baby.
Me: ok I'm going to take a shower.
Jax: ok love you
Me: love you too babe
*end of convo*

I got of the phone and put my phone on music it played Latched by Sam smith I got in the shower. I washed my hair and my body than I shaved I got out put my hair in a towel and wraped the other one around me.

I brushed my teeth than loyal by Chris Brown came on I went to my clothset and picked out a pair of faded jeans and a long sleeve shirt with my gray uggs. I put my hair in a side fishtail bread then I did my usuall make-up I looked in the mirror one last time. I got up at two its now 4 I found a note from my parents

went to town to get things for the party see you latter love momma

I got my keys and got in my car and went to Jax's house.

*At Jax's house*

I pulled up and he was in his garage woking on his Bike and his head popped up.

"what is their something on my face" I asked

"no your just so damn beautiful" he said I could feel my face heating up

"why's your face turning red"he asked

" you" I said smiling

He walked up to me and kissed me I kissed back his toung went in my mouth I backed up.

"Jax we are outside and you small like oil" I said and kissed him again

"I know let's go in and I'll shower ok" he said closing the garage door and we went in

"I'm going to get in the shower" he said and went to the bathroom

I looked around his room he had a lot of pictures of us and pictures of him and his older brother Thomas. His brother was cute but Jax is hotter to me I sat on the bed and Hurd the water go off I didn't know what to do so I sat their.


This book is going to be under editing I need to fix a lot of things I'm sorry this was one of my fist stories on here and I just want to make it better for you guys.

So just bare with me as I do this I love you guys to the moon and back...

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