Chapter Eighteen

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Becca's P.O.V

Today was not my day I got up and I stubbed my toe on my dresser I burnt my finger straighing my hair. Than I almost burnt my breakfast but the good thing about it is I get to go to the doctor and check on my baby I'm about 17 weeks I'm almost 5 months. I'm hoping that I get to see the sex of the baby today Tori is going with me because Tera got to hear the heart bet.

Jax and the boys are doing about 11 months so he won't be their when I have the baby and I hate that he won't be their. But we write each other I recorded the babies heart bet and let him lesson to it when I visited him. We are all going tomorrow witch is Friday we visit them on Friday of two weeks.

I hate seeing him in their but maybe when I go see him we'll know the sex of the baby. Tori finally got to my house she takes forever to get ready I got myself ready and Able I done his dipper bag.

"Girl what took so long"

"You can't just rush perfection like this ok" she said smelling

She had on some more shorts and a crop top with some vans she also straitened her hair and fish teled it. I don't know what it is but we love our shorts and crop tops I would be warring mine if I wasn't pregnant right now. I have on a blue button up shirt and some maternity skinny jeans with my brown boots its starting to get cold outside. I put Able in his Sons of Anarchy outfit that Gemma got made for him and his little blue hat.

"Will we still got a minute did you eat breakfast Mrs. Millson" I asked smiling

"Yes I ate already you and Able ready to go"

"Yeah let's do this"

I put Able in his car set and put him in Tori's car my apartment is at 10:30 so we left the house around 10:00 it doesn't take long to get their. When we got their I signed in and waited to be called on Able missed his dad a lot you can tell he just cries a lot but after I hold him a while he stops I love this boy.

"Rebecca Johnson" the nurse called

We got up and followed her she did my vital signs and everything seemed ok she left and told me the doctor would be in soon so we waited someone knocked on the door and came in it was Gemma.

"You didn't really thank I would miss the revel of my grandkid would you" she said with a big smile on her face

"I know Gemma your welcome anytime Able's been wanting to see you anyway"  I said turning his set around he was asleep but he woke up and Gemma got him and sat down the doctor finally came in

"So how are you today"

"I'm good ready to find out the sex I'm so excited to see what it is"

"Will if we are lucky we might get a peak" Dr Martin said

"I hope so"

"I see their is still no father for the visit is he still in the picture" he asked getting everything ready

My heart stopped for a minute when he asked he never asked befor till now I like Doctor Martin but Jax wouldn't he flirts with me a lot he's not a bad looking man but I only have eyes for my Jax I came up with a lie.

"Um yeah he's still in the picture he's just on a business trip right now he probably won't get back till after the baby is born" I lied

"Ok I see I figured you wouldn't be single your to beautiful to be" he said


"This is going to be cold ok" he put the jell on and the baby moved then kiked he moved the stick around till he found the right spot

"It looks like your going to have a baby girl congratulations"

I couldn't believe I was having a girl I've always wanted a girl I'm so happy to be having a girl we just have to see how Jax feels.

"Can I have a picture to show my boyfriend I Skype him" I told him to not make it look like I was lien he gave me the sonogram

"Is their a chance she could have the same heart defect as her brother" Gemma asked I'm glad she did because I forgot she could have

"She could have it but I won't know till she is born but so far she's heath if you guys don't have anymore questions your good to go"

We left the room and I got my next appointment set for 4 weeks I'm in my second trimester we leave the Doctors and Gemma,me,Tori, and Tera go to see the boys. Cody got arrested because he was helping Jax and Clay so they arrested him as will we got there and I got Able out of his car set and we went in.

Gemma went in to see Clay first she said she wouldn't say anything to Clay about what the baby is I want to tell Jax and I'm sure he'll won't to tell the guys. Gemma came out then I went in I sat at the table and I saw Jax he looks so much more buff than last time I visit I just wanted to fuck him on the table right now my hormones are so out of control.

"Hey baby I miss you so much"  I said hugging him

"I miss you to baby and you too little man" he kissed me and then Able

"Alright that's enough contact" the garud said we let go and then he got Able and loved on him and sat down with him I love how he looks holding Able

"So i went to the doctor today"

"How is he"  he said I felt a little bet sad because I know he wants another boy

"Will its not a boy its a girl" I said giving him the sonogram he looked at it like he couldn't believe it

"Oh baby that's even better I love it can I keep the picture"

"Yeah I got another one in the car I got two I thought you might want one to go with the others"

"Is she health is she going to have the same heart defect"

"He said he won't know till she's born"

"That's good I guess what's wrong baby girl tell me what your thanking"

"I'm thanking about how much I miss you at night when I'm in our bed alone and how when I wake up and miss your morning kisses and how your not going to be beside me for our daughter's birth" I said almost crying he grabed my hand and pulled it to his mouth and kissed it

" I know I miss you touch at night to how you wrap your leg with mine and how you lay your head on my chest and your morning kisses to and it kills me to know that I won't be by your side for our baby girls birth but I promise you I will be their for everything else and I'm so sorry that you have to do this I love you so much Rebecca you and Able and the baby our my life now"

"I love you to Jax"

"Alright times up let's go Teller"

Jax gave Able a kiss on the head and gave him to me than he kissed me for the last time till next Friday. I went back out and Tori went in and Tera went in we left around five that afternoon. I hate leaving I want Jax home were he belongs with his family we all at at a restaurant and then we all went home.

I gave Able a bath then I put him to bed I took a bath and wen I got out I put my fuzzy PJs on and one of Jax's shirts I sleep a lot better in his shirts and picture his arms wrapped around me after a while I felt sleep take over and I went into darkness to dream about my bad boy.
Sorry it took so long but here it is hop you like the picture at the top is Cody Tera's old man don't forget to vote love you guys


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