Chapter 1

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It's been two years since Muichiro arrive here, 2 years since the last seen his dead brother and now he's going to school at Raizen High School with his best friend Shido Itsuka.

Muichiro was soundly asleep in his apartment when he's a long clocks rang.

Ugh.... Muichiro said I see groan and turn off the alarm.

Muichiro went to the restroom and brush his teeth as look himself in the mirror.

Muichiro then went and cook us some some breakfast as he watch the TV as another spiritual quake happened

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Muichiro then went and cook us some some breakfast as he watch the TV as another spiritual quake happened.

Hm these spiritual quakes been going on lot earlier and frequently lately. Muichiro said he watching the news.

Muichiro always have this curiosity what are the spiritual quakes why do it always happen? Do you think sometimes bother him but he doesn't have time to think about it right now he needs to go to school so soon after he got done eating breakfast he got dressed and went off to school. Why is walking assume saw his best friend and his best friend sister.

Muichiro great to see you! Shido said smiling at his friend.

Hm hey. Muichiro said in a blank expression in tone.

Mui!!! Kotori yelled as she went over and hug him.

Nice to see you too Kotori. Muichiro said

Kotori smile as she continued to hug Muichiro as he and Shido continue to talk until they both have realized they were late

Shoot relate! Shido yelled.

Kotori I need to go. Muichiro said.

Kotori gave him the puppy eyes, but it didn't work as he just sibling pat her head Kotori how to, but couldn't help but smile as his hand felt soft when he pat her head before she left. Muichiro and Shido soon left but he couldn't help but feel like he's being watch by someone.

Muichiro and Shido both arrive at the school and went to the class that's when they went to talk to with another friend that they have Tonomachi but Muichiro completely zone out through the whole conversation.

Muichiro! Tonimachi yelled getting his attention.

Hm? Muichiro said looking at Tonimachi said

Have you been listing of what we're talking about? Tonimachi said.

Oh... I'm sorry what we were talking about again? Muichiro said in a blank tone.

Shido and Tonimachi sweatdrop at Muichiro forgetting things quickly.

Did he really forget that quickly... Shido said.

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