Part 22

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After shopping we back at my house eating an setting up my baby stuff in my room like putting bottles together an a dresser for him cuz Ian gone have no room in mine for no baby clothes

"So who is this" Keke says coming in my room with Shawn right behind her making me look up from playing with prince

"Leon this my cousin Keke an her nigga shawn" I say getting up off the ground

"Nice to meet yall" Leon says shaking Keke hand

"Shawn Keke this Leon my frann" I say picking up prince an sitting on my bed

"Mhmm your frann frann"Keke says making Leon laugh an I see shawn pick up his phone answering it an walking away better not be who I think it is

"Anyways y'all like the food" I say putting on fuzzy socks

"Girl duh" she says making me flick her off

"I swear if he tell Sam it's your ass" Keke whispers in my ear making me laugh

"That nigga ain't nun to me an he better not come in here thinking he run shit" I say shaking my head


Hours later Leon's playing the game on the edge of my bed while I'm laying in it with prince

"Jaylaaa"Keke yells making me get up and run to the living room

"Fuck you doin here" I say seeing Sam walk thru my front door

"So who you in here wit" he says wit his gun in his hand

"So you came here to do what exactly" I say crossing my arms leaning on my wall

"Why u in here wit a niggas when you carrying a whole baby das sum whore shit" he says pointing his gun at me

"But that shit up for you actually do sum to harm my child" I say looking at him like he crazy

"Ian even did nun to you but treat you right"sams says slurring words so now ik he drunk fs

"Where miyahh at Sam" i say walking closer to him

"She wit my moms"he says

"gimme the gun cuz you ain't finna accidentally kill me or my child" I say slowly taking it out his hand sitting it on my living room table

"Why you can't jus be wit me I love you man you don't understand every time I'm fuckin or getting sucked all I think about is you I can't get you outta my fucking mind so please give me one more chance please I wanna marry you I want you to be my everything at the end of the day your the one I wanna be with "he says grabbin my face making me tear up

"Okay sam sit down for a second" i say helping him to the couch an i walk back to my room

"Sorry Leon can you leave it's kinda a baby daddy emergency" I say before he nods turning off the game

"Thanks so much sorry" I say handing him prince gathering all they things walking them to my front door before I lock it down making sure I hear sams car doors lock

"Ok come on sam" i say helping him off the couch

"Who was that nigga jayla" he says getting up

"He's jus a friend" i say walking him to my room


"Alright stand still" i say unbuckling his pants

"Ohh shit i knew you missed me" he says making me mugg as I push them all the way down i empty his pocket putting all his stuff on the table beside him then I help him take off his shirt which smelled like Hennessy

"These too"he says trynna pull down his draws

"Naw keep them on an get inna bed" i say before he gets in the bed laying down

" I love you baby momma like a lot" he says making me pick up his clothes putting them right in the washer

" I love you too sam" I say shutting my room door before I get naked walking into my bathroom turning on the shower getting in washing my body I was tired


After I got out the shower I layed down and I realized Sam was snoring hard asf over my tv making me turn it up

I missed laying with him but I jus turned on my side an tried to go to sleep till I felt his big arms wrap around me making me turn around to the other side putting my legs over top of his After that I grabbed his face givin him one single kiss before going to sleep


I wake up seeing him watching a movie I yawn an stretch before he realizes I'm up

"Thank you for taking care of me last night"he says kissing me on my lips

"Mhmm what are baby mommas for" i say rolling my eyes Trynna find my phone I found it but it was in sams hand

"Damn u really tell yo cousin every thing" he says I get out the bed walking over to him snatchin it

"Mind yours baby daddy" I say laughing cuz what his face looked like

"Go ahead an call me husband"he says trynna be funny

"Uhhh uhhh get somebody else to do it" i say shaking my head walking towards my door unlocking my phone

"Do me a favor tho"Sam says tappin my arm so I stop in my tracks an look at him an jus staring at me not sayin nun

"What ho" I say after standing er for a couple minutes

"Go get miyahh from schoo"he says making me smack my teeth

"Where you finna be" i say waiting for him to answer

"I gotta lick today"he says making me laugh

"If this shit flip back on you will never see yo baby" I say rolling my eyes walking out the room checking my phone seeing it was 12:30 so I head to the kitchen to grab me sum takis I was craving them an i made my way back to my room

"You not supposed to be eating shit like that"Sam says making me flick him off as I walk by

"Give me them"Sam says taking the bag before I snatch it back

"Don't touch my shit"I say muggin him before he takes them out my hands making my eyes tear up

"Ik you ain't finna cry over no chips"he says as tears starts rolling down my face

"You a bitch" I say grabbing my keys an my purse walking out my room going out my front door I wiped my face an made my way to my car unlocking my doors getting in I'm sitting on my phone when my car door opens an I see Sam making me roll my eyes

"Where my chips at"i say holdin my hand out

"I ate-"he ain't even get to finish before I popped him in his mouth hard asf

"Get tf out" I say turning on my car

"My lip busted bro wtf you on"he says making me shrug while I played music

"That's why u ate nut"I said before turning up the music loud

" I ate what" I hear him repeating but ion say nun back I jus backed out my drive way

"Get out"i say pushing him towards the door

"No where we going" he says annoying me so bad

"Sam get out" i say looking up

To be continued......

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