10. We All Fall Down

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Vito called a meeting the next evening.

Ronan was in the middle of teaching Amir the basics of lockpicking. It had seemed a random request, but Ronan quickly realized it was just an excuse to crowd close at his back while he explained the anatomy of a tumbler lock. Ronan went all pink and stuttery and Amir seemed far too smug, so Ronan retaliated by using his hands to guide Amir's through his first lock. Amir dropped the damn thing, saved only by Ronan's swift catch.

That was when Vito's call rang out.

Ronan hadn't seen him all day. Vito normally ran about the place like a housewife, but he'd spent every hour since Ronan and Amir's return holed up in his room. It was obvious he hadn't slept - always was, with his complexion, and that was normally the subject of much jeering within their group, but now-

Ronan had a bad feeling.

He couldn't have been the only one. The others gathered in record-time, and they waited in silence for Vito's first words.

Ronan took the smaller sofa knowing Amir would follow; may as well be together if Vito was going to chastise them in front of the group. Amir was a welcome comfort, pressed close and warm against Ronan's side.

With Mitch, Tony, and Felix piled onto the other sofa, the armchair was empty, but Vito propped himself up on the mantel with his legs dangling over the edge so he could look down at them all at once.

"I have to be honest with you all," he began, crossing his ankle over his knee and leaning until his back was against the wall. "I haven't slept in thirty-six hours. So excuse me if I sound a bit mad."

"We won't notice the difference," assured Tony.

"Has anybody ever told you that you are hilarious, sister?" Vito retorted. Tony snickered and muttered something like "yeah" under her breath. "I've been sitting on an idea for a long time now, but it's really come together in the last day or so. It's still in the works, but I'd like to share it with you all."

So it wasn't a public scolding. Ronan sat back in his chair.

Meanwhile, Mitch sat forward. "Let's hear it, boss."

Vito blew him a kiss. Mitch pressed it to his heart.

"I'll start with three questions," said Vito. "What is one ambition that we, as thieves, have always had but never believed in? If, in our wildest fantasies, we could have one conquest that would stand above the rest, what would it be?"

He was looking at Ronan. Their eyes met, and Ronan realized what was happening with the familiar chill that curled down his back. He opened his mouth to answer, hoping he was wrong, but it was Amir who spoke up first. "Is it the castle?"

Vito tilted his head, pleasantly surprised. "The rookie catches on fast."

Ronan felt Amir wilt at his side. It had been a long time since anyone had referred to him that way.

"You want to rob the castle?" Felix asked, wide-eyed. Vito lifted his attention from Ronan and Amir, satisfied. It was so blatantly a message; this was Vito's form of punishment. Ronan regretted going to that stupid festival. But . . .

He'd had the most amazing time.

"I take back what I said," said Tony. "You do sound extra crazy today. Maybe you should take a nap, brother."

Even Mitch was scratching at the back of his neck. "You, uh . . . you think we're ready for that kind of thing?"

Vito gave a hearty laugh. "Oh god, no. Not yet, at least, though I think we may be someday. Charging the castle now would be a death sentence."

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