a cat are you kidding me

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Zushuri POV

As I was being restrained I saw a dash of blue flames in to which I drop my claymore and pull yuu and n/n down so both of them dont get hit

"Let me take their places unlike these lowly humans I can use magic"

'I know good and well this bitch ain't call me a lowly human has he not been to teyvat'

I thought as anger rised in me but was cut short as I pulled yuu and y/n down again so they dont get burned by the blue flames

3rd person POV

As chaos was spreading and no one listing to the headmage zushuri was about to pick up their claymore when y/n threw her (y/w)/elemental attk(in case ur a caytilist user) at the cat


Grim yelled still hurt from the shocking experience


The boy with red hair also known as riddle yelled as a heart shaped collar appeared on grimsby neck riddle then took it upon himself to explain the purpose of the collar and how grim was now nothing but a normal cat


"Hey asshole he isn't his"

Zushuri said finally getting their claymore off the ground and putting it  away

"O-o-oh he isn't I see well then for I am gracious I shall spare it from being tonight's dinner"

As he said that two students came and took grim away now the ceremony was over y/n and  zushuri was standing by a wall with zushuris hood down but no one noticed them but a certain Male who was coming in

"Why hello"

The Male said causing zushuri and y/n to face him

"Hello sir I am y/n and that is my sibling zushuri"

Y/n introduced herself and sibling while they talked with the man they now know as Lilia Vanrouge

"Ah I must cut our conversation short but do feel free to visit the Diasomnia dorm I think Malleus would love to meet you both especially you zushuri it will be nice for him to have another horned companion"

"We'll think about it"

Y/n said with zushuri nodding I'm agreement then lilia proceeded to collect the students of diasomnia dorm and lead them away along with everyone else zushuri also put their good back on as of seeing their reaction with the ever said Malleus

After everyone left crowley proceeded to explain that they couldn't stay so they will have to leave but I guess the mirror has other plans

"Their world does not exist whatsoever no history no nothing"

"What is this come let us see if we can try to find your home"

"Are you fucking death the mirror just said theirs no history of our world whatsoever"

Zushuri said running low on patience  crowley on the other hand was now thinking about what to do with the three

"Well I cannot toss penniless teenagers out on the streets"

He said still thinking

"Actually we could go apply to be bodyguards or knights somewhere"

Y/n said discussing it with zushuri and yuu incase he does indeed decide to throw them out on the streets

"Yeah but what about yuu you know how I feel about leaving him in a different region and neither of us are near"

Zushuri said crossing their arms by this time everyone had their hoods down so they could converse crowley did indeed noticed that y/n looked feminine but didn't think nothing of it since their is a dorm filled with boys that look feminine

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