Breaking the news - Chapter 1

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Many years ago Yokohama city shut themselves off from the rest of the world due to the rise of quirks and governments from all over the world started to experiment on these abilities users. Now leaving only a few hundreds of these ability users left and spread across the world. However the "outsiders" don't know that. They think "abilities" are just a myth like Santa and the tooth fairy. The only people who know that a few ability users still exist are very few high positioned pro heroes. Some villains have tried to break into Yokohama and other places in different countries that home ability users and "quirkless" people, the villains were never to be seen or heard of ever again.

Yokohama is a gray place, there is no black and white or childish things such as heroes and villains. Those who live in Yokohama find the concept of heroes and villains very childish and stupid. Separating people into one category or the other because one is "better" or "good" while the other is "bad" or because they've killed someone before. Yes, Yokohama has criminals, but they would never classify them as villains, or the detectives as heroes. Because truly all criminals have a reason to why they do what they do. You can switch teams any time you want, you don't need to be stuck on the bad boat because you've done something illegal or wrongful. Everyone deserves second chances.

Outsiders believe Yokohama is dangerous, in which they aren't wrong, the city is full of criminals however these criminals aren't necessarily terrible people, they do care for their people and specially their beautiful city. Most high status organizations jump in to protect their home when an intruder or terrorist comes to take their city down to shambles.

The Port Mafia is considered the most powerful underground organization in Yokohama, their people are extremely powerful and talented not only due to their abilities but also because of their fighting skills and intelligence.


Down a long dark ominous and bone chilling hallway was the doors to the Port Mafia's Leader, Ōgai Mori.

"Elise-chan will you please just let me do your hair!" Mori cried out, begging Elise.

"Mm... no!" Elise yelled out in a bratty child like way, while drawing on some papers that are most likely some of the boss's important documents.

*knock, knock*

Mori sighs. "Come in!" He yells out for the person who is knocking on the door.

"You asked for us?" Chuuya questions while walking into the office, not impressed by the mess of hair accessories on Mori's table. Right behind Chuuya is Dazai who also isn't impressed by the mess that looks like a child would make when playing dress up with their dolls.

Mori gets off his knees and sits down on his chair.

"Right, please sit down." Mori more likely demands the duo than ask. The teens duo has no problem on doing just what their boss has said.

"Is this a new mission?" Dazai asks, finally speaking up.

"Well somewhat like it. This is more of an observative and experimental mission than an extravagant one." Mori admits

"Well that sounds boring, why not let some lower class members do it" Chuuya spits out, Dazai has no hesitation and instantly agreed with him.

"Now now, lets not get so cocky, this mission won't be entirely easy. You two will be attending UA University for Heroes." Mori says ominously, prepared for the two teens to soon bust out in anger.

"WHAT BUT THATS OUTSIDE THE BARRIER!!" Both teenagers yell out, jumping out of their seats in anger.

"I know. That's why I picked the both of you. As I was saying. The both of you will attend UA for a year. You will observe and have the experience of what it feels like to be an outside or in other words the life of a soon to be hero." Mori explains.

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