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Back At The Med Bay:

Shockwave: why didn't you tell anyone about this including me. I kept repeating that question in my mind over, and over again. I was just thinking about my thoughts until I felt someone touch my servo's. I looked down, and noticed that Marcy was awake.

Marcy: Shockwave, what happened. Why am I here in Knockout's med bay? I asked.

Shockwave: don't you remember we were in your lab, and checking on the experiments, and all of the sudden you lost consciousness.

Marcy : Yes, I do remember now. Aagh my head still hurts after what happened.

Shockwave: here Marcy. Here is some energon to give you some energy. Knockout noticed that you were low on energon.

Marcy. Thank you Shockwave. After Shockwave handed me the energon I noticed he was still looking at me. What.

Shockwave: nothing.

Shockwave P.O.V.

I really wanted to tell Marcy how much I liked her, but I couldn't do it. I felt something, but shrugged it off. I knew deep down I was in love with her, but I didn't know how to say what I felt.

Marcy: Shockwave is everything okay.

Shockwave: yes everything is okay. I was scared, and nervous about you being in the condition that you were in. I know it isn't my business, but who did this to you?

Marcy: uh. I couldn't tell Shockwave because I was really scared about talking about it. But I really don't talk about it much.

Shockwave: please Marcy I want to try my best to make sure to protect you at no cost.

Marcy: Shockwave. Are you starting to like me? If you are, can I say this?

Shockwave: wait what.

Marcy: I think I know you have feelings for me. And I also have feelings for you too.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Shockwave And Marcy Part 2Where stories live. Discover now