Deaths stare- chapter 3

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Y/n could only stare at the women before him, he had so many questions like how did he get here?,where is he?, HOW DID SHE COME OUT OF THOSE FLYS!?

Cassandra could see the panic and fear in the young man's eyes and she loved it.

Cassandra: mother wants you to report to her when you get dressed

Cassandra pointed to y/n's officer uniform but it was what he wore under his thick winter coat


Cassandra smiled at his sheepishly voice and then walked out of the room leaving it to y/n.

Y/n slowly set him self up from the bed, he felt like shit and judging by the marks on his body he probably looked like it too.

Getting up and putting on his uniform he noticed his metals was gone but shrugged it off , he more important matters to worry about.

Slipping into the black dress shirt and pants, y/n slid Into the dress shoes that was placed near the bed, looking to his left there was a restroom in which he walked into and looked in the mirror.

His (hair color) hair was messy and his (eye color) eyes looked heavy,in other words he look like death.

Turning on the water and throwing a little amount of the warm liquid onto his face y/n exited the bedroom only to find a large hallway.

Looking around he noticed none of those witch lady's or whatever they are. Was around to guide him.

So He began to walk to his left only to turn into a dead end so he turned bumping into somthing hard and stern.


Looking up y/n could see he made a mistake

Cassandra: trying to run away are we now?
Y/n: no Cassandra-a I wa-

Cassandra pulled her hand back an slammed it Into y/n's cheek knocking him down into the carpet floor

Cassandra: you will a address me and my family with respect Do you understand me man-thing!?

Holding onto his cheek y/n silent said

Y/n: y-yes lady c-Cassandra

Cassandra: good, now fix your self and follow me

Cassandra began to take off leaving y/n behind her.

Quickly fixing himself to somewhat properness, y/n quickly got to his feet and followed Cassandra.

The place was beautiful it had a high sense of royalty and everything looked quite expensive.

After a few minutes of following Cassandra y/n was starting to realize how big this place really was, there was doors and stairs leading almost anywhere.

Upon stopping in front of a door Cassandra turned to face y/n.

Cassandra: if you disrespect my mother in any sort of way...

Cassandra pulled out a small knife and put the tip of it at y/n's neck

Cassandra: I'll make you wish you was dead.

Opening the door she threw y/n into the room and slammed the door shut.

Alicia: good morning mr l/n, seems you was quite the the officer in war.

Y/n quicker bowed to the women and helped it.

Alicia held up a couple of y/n's metals from the war.

Y/n: just doing what's needs to be done to win madam.

Y/n quickly stood to his feet and brushed himself off.

Alicia stood from her seat she was lounging in and looked down at the young man.

Alicia: step forth boy.

Y/n was looking down at the ground but slowly took a step forth.

Alicia grabbed y/n by his chin and forced him to look at her.

Alicia:you will look into my eyes when spoken to.

Y/n: of course madam

Y/n had a hidden knife in his uniform and these lady's didn't know about it.
Y/n figured this was his chance to escape so he swiftly pulled it and out and jammed it into the lady's neck.

Alicia: so the little one had a punch, now it's my turn.

Smiling Alicia pulled the knife from her neck and grabbed y/n with her other hand holding him off his feet by his throat.

Alicia: let's see how much of a man you truly are.

Alicia took the knife and slammed it into y/n's gut watching as she released him and watched as he hit the floor.

Y/n couldn't hold back the tears and screams if anguish. Everything hurt and yet not much blood was pouring from the wound. But it would as soon as it was pulled out.

Alicia: now I suggest you start acting like a gentleman mr l/n , or things will get a lot worse.

Y/n: g-go to....hell

Alicia walked over to y/n clearly getting more frustrated she pulled the knife out of y/n's gut. and threw it across the room.

Y/n began pouring blood and within seconds he was starting to black out.

Y/n:n-not like this...

Alicia took her gloved hand and ran it over the wound until there was some blood on her finger.

Y/n watched in horror as the lady licked the blood and watched as her eyes lit up.

Alicia: well this is some of the finest I've ever had, we shall send you to the dungeon, maybe my daughters can persuade you to join us

Y/n could only look at Alicia's sadistic grin before and slowly passed out once again.


Y/n woke up on a hard cold floor and could only see very little but it was obvious he was in one sort of cell.

Looking around y/n couldn't see much until he seen something move in the dark outside the cell.

Moving closer y/n could see to beautiful yellow eyes watching him from the dark and he just stared back at them.

After what seemed like hours the eyes started the move towards y/n and eventually a cloaked figure came into view.

And it was Cassandra.

Cassandra:I told you not to disrespect mother didn't I

Cassandra was grinning a sadistic grin as she spoke.

Cassandra: I believe it's time for you to meet the family.

Cassandra smiled at y/n before she screamed.

Cassandra: SISTERS, he's awake.

*to be continued *

Word count :1107

Sorry for the long wait guys I wanted to take my time in these chapters from now on let me know if you'd like it to be more detailed if so the it will take longer for releases but they will be better.

Anyways have a good day/night icey out.

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