wolves in sheeps clothing

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The crowd screamed wildly as the BPM started their last song. It had been at least 4 months since their last concert, which wasn't a lot, but it felt like an eternity, not only to the fans, but the crew themselves. Boyfriend, Parappa, and Melodii loved what they did. They were known for their music, being standalone artists coming together to form BPM. It stood for Boyfriend, Parappa, Melodii. Together, they made some of the most popular music known worldwide for being unique and catchy, something you could dance to. Their shows were always fantastic; reeling in lots of cash (more than what was spent) and bringing in lots of fans. Among the crowd of fans was Archer Harrison.

Archer is a young adult, just finished college and is eager to get his first job. He's been listening to BPM ever since they first came out with their first track a few years ago. Tonight was special; they were performing in his state - his town, for the first time ever It was so exciting - getting to meet his idols. The tickets were a bit pricey, but he'd do anything to meet his idols.

They sang the final note before turning off the stage lights. After a quick bow, the audience erupted into loud applause. The three on stage smiled and waved at everyone. Archer couldn't help but smile widely. His favorite band just performed right here, right where he lived. It was probably the happiest he's been in his entire life. He maneuvered past the crowd, to go to the bathroom before he had to leave.


Coming out of the bathroom, he noticed something weird. Nobody was around, it was barren and quiet. Jeez, he didn't take too long in there, did he? It was a bit freaky to be alone in a huge stadium, yet somewhat cool. He didn't dwell on it long though, heading to the front of the stadium to leave. That's when something happened he'd never expect

"Hey, wait!" A voice chimed behind him. He turned around.

It was Melodii. Archer froze in shock, not believing what he was seeing. A person...from the BAND? In FRONT of him?

"Sorry if I frightened you, but uh..could I see your ticket?" Melodii asked. "We forgot to announce something during the show."

"Uh..S-Sure." He replied, pulling the ticket out of his coats front pocket and shakily handing it to Melodii. They took it, examining it.

"Ah, you're the winner, then!" Melodii announced.

"Huh? Wait, what did I even win?" Archer questioned.

Melodii flipped the ticket around, pointing out a grey star on the side of the ticket.

"This little star means you win the backstage pass!" they cheered.

Archer looked puzzled, but at the same time excited. "I-I won a backstage pass?" He muttered.

"Yep, c'mon over this way!" Melodii urged him.

Archer followed eagerly. He couldn't wait to meet all his idols...and he didn't even know at first!


A lot has happened in the last 5 minutes. Archer had arrived at a van, which Melodii told him to get into since "they didn't let them have any more time with the stadium." Fair enough. Inside the van was Boyfriend and Parappa, both at the front seat. Melodii introduced the two to Archer, the one who won the backstage ticket. With that, they were off driving.

Archer observed the contents of the van. It had three beds, which were currently empty, except for a bag of chips laying across each bed. And then there was the large TV screen sitting against the wall, with a remote control attached beside it and several games and books lying around. The radio at the front was playing something, it was hard to tell what though, due to the static. Aside from that, the van was a

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