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No One's P.O.V

Teruya Otori was Currently Hanging Out with his BestFriend's, Haruhiko Kobashikawa and Satsuki Iranami at a Park.

The Three were Basically a Trio Together.

Of Course, They had Decided to Call ThemSelves the Sunshine Trio as it Basically Represented their Personalities.

Haruhiko, Satsuki, and Teruya had Agreed to HangOut at EachOther's Dorm's on the Weekend.

If They couldn't HangOut on the Weekend then They would HangOut at EachOther's Dorm's after School.

" Hey, Ruya? "

Satsuki had said Calmly and Gently as Teruya had Turned to Look at her with a Confused Expression on his Face.

" What is it? "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Satsuki had Spoke Up in Response with a Concerned Look on her Face.

" Why is there a Portal Over there? "

Satsuki had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion while Pointing in a Certain Direction as Teruya had Looked Over to where Satsuki was Pointing at.

There was Indeed a Portal, and Haruhiko was Checking it Out for Some Odd Reason that he didn't Know at All.

Teruya had just Simply Sighed before Standing Up and Walking Over Toward's the Portal with Satsuki.

( I'm Fucking Lazy and I'm Not Going to Type Everything from how They Get Pulled into the Portal and All of that- )

" Well, Most of us Know EachOther. But who are All of you? "

Kanade had Asked Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as the Boy that had Blue Hair along with Orange Eye's had just Simply Sighed in Response.

" I'm Shōnin Shigoto, the Ultimate Merchant. "

The Boy that had Blue Hair along with Orange Eye's had said Calmly and Gently as Teruya had just Simply Raised an EyeBrow in Response.

" Wait, but I'm the Ultimate Merchant? "

Teruya had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Shōnin had just Simply Shrugged in Response.

" Yeah, I Know. I don't Know why we have the Same Ultimate. "

Shōnin had said Calmly and Gently as the Boy that had Light/Pastel Purple Hair along with Red Eye's had Taken a Step Foward.

" Meihemu Shashin, the Ultimate RockStar. "

The Boy that had Light/Pastel Purple Hair along with Red Eye's who Goes by the Name of Meihemu had said Calmly and Gently as Teruya's Eye's had immediately Lit Up in Excitement.

" Big Brother! "

Teruya had said Excitedly and CheerFully as he had immediately Ran Over to Meihemu along with Hugging him Tightly due to his Excitement.

" Big Brother?! "

Nikei had said Shocked yet Surprised as Meihemu had just Simply Nodded his Head in Response with a Smile on his Face.

" Yes, I'm Teruya's Older Brother. "

Meihemu had said Calmly and Gently as a Woman that had Light/Pastel Purple Hair with a Mix of Ginger along with Red Eye's had Stepped Foward to Pull Teruya Off of Meihemu.

" Sorry about him, My Name's Nikkō Shashin. I'm the Ultimate Priest but I'm also the Ultimate Drummer. "

The Woman that had Light/Pastel Purple Hair with a Mix of Ginger along with Red Eye's who Goes by the Name of Nikkō had said Calmly and Gently as Teruya had just Simply Chuckled in Response.

" How can you have Two Ultimate's? "

Kizuna had Asked Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Nikkō had just Simply Hummed in Response.

" Ask Piero, he was Two Ultimate's as Well. "

Nikkō had said Calmly and Gently as she had Pointed at a Boy that had Light/Pastel Blue Hair along with Magenta Eye's who Goes by the Name of Piero had just Simply Sighed in Response.

" How should I Know? Hope's Peak Never Told me Anything! "

Piero had said Frustrated yet Annoyed as he had Decided to Speak Up once Again.

" Anyway's, I'm Piero Hāto. Ultimate Gambler and the Ultimate Ballet. "

Piero had said Calmly and Gently as a Woman that had Light Red Hair along with Crystal Light Blue Eye's had just Simply Rolled her Eye's in Response.

" Akalitur Heiwa, the Ultimate History Teacher. "

The Woman that had Light Red Hair along with Crystal Light Blue Eye's who Goes by the Name of Akalitur had said Calmly and Gently as a Woman that had Light/Pastel Green Hair along with One Violet Eye including One Orange Eye had just Simply Chuckled in Response.

" Well then, I should Introduce MySelf! My Name is Yonaka Xiěyè and I'm the Ultimate Gossip! "

The Woman that had Light/Pastel Green Hair along with One Violet Eye including One Orange Eye who Goes by the Name of Yonaka had said Excitedly and CheerFully as a Boy that had Light Red Hair along with Brown Eye's had just Simply Chuckled in Response.

" Yukolo Jasama, the Ultimate Journalist! "

The Boy that had Light Red Hair along with Brown Eye's who Goes by the Name of Yukolo had said Excitedly and CheerFully as Nikei had just Raised an EyeBrow in Response.

" Wait what? "

Nikei had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Yukolo had just Simply Chuckled in Response before a Young Girl that had Black Hair with a Mix of Red along with Emerald Eye's had Stepped Foward with a Young Boy that had Brunette Hair along with Blue Eye's.

" Hello, My Name is Byōki Gaishō. I'm the Ultimate Horror Game Planner. This is My Brother, Kizuato Gaishō, and he's the Ultimate Horror Game Maker. "

The Young Girl that had Black Hair with a Mix of Red along with Emerald Eye's who Goes by the Name of Byōki had said Calmly and Gently with a Smile on her Face as the Young Boy that had Brunette Hair along with Blue Eye's who Goes by the Name of Kizuato had just Simply Nodded his Head in Response.


( Sorry about that- The Med's are Taking a Toll on me- )

" So, what do we do Now? "

Orenji had said Calmly and Gently with a Hint of Confusion as Yonaka had just Simply Hummed in Response with a Smile on her Face.

" Well, if what this Person is Saying is True, we should Wait until the Reaction. "

Yonaka had said Calmly and Gently as EveryOne had just Simply Nodded their Head's in Response.

" Alright then, we should Get Comfortable until the Reaction Start's. "

Kanade had said Calmly and Gently as EveryOne had just Nodded their Head's in Response to Show that They Agreed with her.

" Well then, Let's Explore! "

Nikkō had said Excitedly and CheerFully as Teruya had just Simply Chuckled in Response.


The Prologue has been Completed-

I'm so Fucking Happy-

I've been Real Exhausted Lately-

Edit: By the Time I Post this, I've been Off My Med's for Quite Some Time and I didn't Realize so I Made this Chapter while on My Med's-

Anyway's, See you in the Next Chapter!

( 1146 Word's )

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