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"What is it?" I ask while staring at the maid with curiosity.

"My lord, little Zenon has been crying since evening. He was demanding to meet you or else he won't stop crying"

Zenon is my heir along with Violeta. They are differently-gendered twins. They were born with special blood.

They both are my pride and joy but I hate to see them since Yara's gone as they remind me of her so much. Especially, Zenon looks exactly like Yara.

My son looks exactly like his mother. I tried to avoid them as much as possible in the past 2 years but I do love them a lot.  But I just couldn't bear to see them.

I wanted the best for them. If only Yara is still here with me.. maybe she'll be here to help us take care of the twin.

"I have an important appointment with lord Cornell, right now. Just let him be. He'll stop soon" I said with a cold tone.

"but..." The maid starts saying and stops when he saw my face.  She immediately bowed in fear and ran off without waiting further.

I shake my head and continue my way toward the war council chamber.
I finally reach the room. The guards were standing guard at either side of the hallway. I pass by them and the door suddenly opens.

Lord Cornell appears.

" Laika" he greeted me politely. "Please step inside"

I nod and enter the war council chambers, my eyes automatically looking in the direction of the empty seats.

Cornell also sat on his seat and we discussed the war for a long time until dawn. And we decided to take a break for a while.

Cornell then mentioned my children

"How's Zenon and Violeta?" Cornell asked.

"They're fine"

I said and sigh. I couldn't help but feel sadness when I recall the fact that the twins had been growing up without a mother and also I'm not acting like a father to them.

"It's getting harder to cope with this situation" I mumbled.

He nodded and asked. "Any news from the south?"

I shake my head and look him directly in the eyes. "No, they haven't attacked yet. But I think it's time for action now. Let's just hope it all goes well tonight."

"Indeed" Cornell replied.

We sat in complete silence after that.

I didn't want to think about anything, especially about Yara, I just wanted to focus on the war and the problems I'm dealing with.

We agreed that I'll attend the meeting at the Demon King's castle tomorrow.  The council meeting provides me with some advice about the battle plans.

And that's why I find myself alone in my room later on.
As I lie in my big bed, I stare at the ceiling. It looks as white as snow, very fitting for my room.

I'm tired.

My thoughts are running wild like I couldn't even control them.  Then I think about my children again. I bet Violeta will become even stronger than me. She shows signs since she was born.

But Zenon, he's as weak as humans. I doubt that he is also a human. Violeta looks like me in physical appearance and strength. But Zenon looks nothing like me but his mother.

"I miss Yara"

I sigh.

I need her to make me strong. To make me invincible and unstoppable. But she's far.

Probably in the human world.  But I still want to meet her. I want to hug her and tell her how much I love her
I sigh heavily and sit in my chair. My thoughts are spinning in circles.  I want her to be with me. I want her to hold me when I cry. I want her beside me at night. I want her to smile when

our kids are doing stupid things and laughing when I make fun of their ridiculous names.

I want her back. I miss her a lot. I don't want it but I need her here by my side. I want her.

Suddenly the door opens and Zenon comes in with two royal guards following him closely behind.

His eyes look red and swollen, he looks terrible. I immediately stand up from my chair to approach him but he just stood there, looking at me with those sad puppy dog eyes. 

"Zenon, Why are you here? And where's Violeta?" I asked in concern.

"I miss my momma," he said quietly.

I feel like crying at his words and putting a hand on his shoulder.

Then one of the guards came closer to me and kneeled.

"My lord, please allow me to explain what happened last night," he says in a low voice which made his voice sound muffled.

"What happened?" I asked.

The guard explained that last night, Zenon found a piece of his memory which contains their mother, while training magic.

One of the soldiers had found him passed out on the balcony, hugging his legs tightly. And his eyes were like this since then. He seems to be crying all night. 

But no matter how many times we comforted Zenon, we couldn't get him to speak.

When the guard finished explaining, I felt so heavy in my heart and sad.

I looked down at my son, who was barely 4 years old. I kneel in front of Zenon and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry Zenon, Father is so sorry for ignoring you" Tears flow from my eyes. Zenon also cried with me and the guards silently left the room.

I caressed his soft hair soothingly and whispered, "You'll meet her one day. Until then I'll protect you" 

After I finished talking, I held the little boy tighter, knowing that he can't hear me.

When I'm sure nobody can hear us, I continued. "I'm so sorry, Zenon, " I repeat one more time.

"Why?" Zenon asks sadly.

"Because I was too selfish" I whispered. "I needed me to live," I said softly.

I don't think he understands what I mean. He hugs me tighter and cries even more.

"Don't worry Zenon. I'll always be here" I assured him. "I know you'll grow up and become strong enough to protect me" I added and he looks up at me, teary-eyed.

He nods and hugs me again. I looked at him and felt like Yara is with me. He got my eyes but, with her hair. These black hair.

"I'm sorry" I whisper under my breath so that Zenon won't hear it. At that moment The door opened again and Violeta entered.

She joined the hug and it became a group hug. I finally decided to be a good father to them. Well, that is the least I can do for Yara.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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