RB Spoiler 3

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Waking up seemed the hardest for David some days. Pulling the cloth covers off yourself, stretching your limbs, periodically yawning as you walked to the bathroom and got ready for work or school always seemed like a chore. He always liked sleeping in and enjoying the warmth that was felt from being close to a pillow and blanket. Like a newly built metaphorical sandwich, David didn't want to ruin the structure of his comfort.

However David was no longer living in a normal world anymore, it was vastly different. It had changed so quickly that he was unsure if he was teleported to a universe where the world had ended. He had woken up one day, regrettably, brushed his teeth, got dressed, fed himself and his dog, and drove to Wacdonalds in his sedan. Wacdonalds, a true place he despised like his fellow coworker Caxi. He worked there flipping burgers and dealing with the karens he enjoyed annoying with his previously mentioned coworker. It all seemed normal until Mrs.Margaret didn't come in for her morning coffee. In addition David also noticed that barely anybody else had come into work that day, even his coworker who genuinely only came into work to annoy people with his unholy grin.

'That's strange.' David thought, sitting behind that cash register at the front counter waiting for a customer. Outside the windows he could see nothing but the road and the gym across the street, it was really a mystery why they had decided to put a fast food place infront of a gym. That only leads to mixed messages, it must've been a drunken decision by the city planner if that was the case.

David's thoughts of being the next city planner were interrupted by the same homeless man who was posted outside of their restaurant banging on their window. As David grabbed the company issued wooden broom from the janitor's closet, he could've sworn that the homeless man had looked different that day. His eyes weren't normally bulging out and pink, he normally wasn't looking like he was covered in oil, and strangely enough didn't the homeless man always trim his nails? It didn't seem very strange at the time though as David went outside and tried to ward the man off with the broom.

Unexpectedly, or expectedly to anyone sane, the homeless man easily overpowered David and began to claw at David's Wacdonalds' uniform. Thoughts had raced through David's mind at that moment, specifically the thought of 'WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?' as he was attacked by a very zombielike person. The broom he was using was barely holding this common homeless man back, was this one taking steroids or something? As David tried to hold the weight of a man off his chest he noticed the chaos occurring around him outside that he hadn't noticed until now.

Abandoned cars, people screaming and running, and very similar people closely resembling the homeless man's look. 'Was a cult in town?' was one of David's last thoughts as a claw tore through the apron and button-up shirt he was wearing underneath it. It left a gaping wound, five horizontal markings only an inch apart from one another, glowing pink and seemingly oozing with magenta. It wasn't normal to look at to say the least and it seemingly made David pass out right there and then on the concrete sidewalk. Letting his fate already be decided by the homeless man and the decision he made to leave the safety of his workplace.

When David woke up he felt different, besides him feeling like he had a hangover, he noticed the claws on his hands and the darkness that plagued his uniform and skin. As he attempted to tear it off a voice sounded in his head, faint but commanding. "Find me child, come to your father."

David immediately shook his head around and slammed his newly made claws against his ears, which somehow made the voice shut up. He really didn't need somebody to be his new father, his old one was enough of a basketcase to begin with. As he shakily stood up and walked back inside his workplace he finally looked up to see it was getting dark. David soon trotted over to the employee washroom to look at the change that was made on his body himself. It was horrible to say the least, a pink smile that never seemed to come off and X's for eyes, however it was better than waking up and looking at yourself after an actual nasty hangover.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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