Puzzle Pieces

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"Dammit Fives," Zaiya scoffed as she stared at the jumble that was the box he'd just handed her. They were currently in his apartment, his small, dingy apartment. Clearly losing his job and respect in the city had caused him to find accommodation in a place as run down as her own. The carpet was threadbare and it wasn't disgusting, just untidy everything worn down through years and years of general wear and tear. She noted very few personal trinkets lying about. There were empty pizza boxes and take out containers... though even in the corner of the room he had turned into his office was only one photograph. Clearly Fives, but he stood beside a man that was almost identical to him, aside from the clothing.

She looked at the ratty box that had once been for a pair of high end sneakers. Though by the tears and duct tape now holding it together, that had been some years ago.

"You wanted all my research so far, here it is, I kept a lot of it in physical form to avoid digital traces," he explained but she waved a hand at him.

"I can see that," she retorted, "but a shoe box? No organisation? How do you find anything?" The pale woman frowned at him when he laughed.

"You sound like my brother," he said with a grin. She figured that to be the twin in the photo. "I'm sure you'll have fun with that-- buuuut...!" He beckoned her to follow her from where they stood by the kitchen and headed to his desk. She laid the box down and followed as he directed, his laptop the brightest light in the entire apartment. "I found something interesting."

Zaiya nudged Fives aside playfully and took the seat, looking at the screen.

"Y'know you could have just asked to sit on my lap?" he teased.

"Mhm, sure thing, sunshine," she retorted and went back to reading. After a minute she frowned. "Am I reading this right?" she asked.

"If you read that the CEO of the charity New Visions has been accused of corruption, then you would be correct," Fives chuckled. Zaiya's eyes narrowed, where had she seen this woman before?

"How does it relate?" she asked.

"Well, the old man had a bunch of charitable works in the last few years. New Visions was spearheading a reconstruction of one of the slum areas of the city. Though it was rumoured by a few of my contacts, that all the money didn't quite go where it needed to." The man explained, and pulled up a few files to show the stated output of funds, though it did not quite match up. "On this document it says five million, and the other says four point five... so where did half a million credits go?"

"And if this is just one project... who knows how many others have been done the same way?" Zaiya speculated. Trying to remember where she had seen the CEO woman's face before. Smiling, wide face, blonde hair... standing in front of a house-- "Oh shit..." she whispered.

"What?" Fives asked.

"I saw a photo of her on that lawyer, Kenobi's desk. Are they married?" She looked up at him and he made a surprised face.

"That might explain how she has avoided prosecution..." He leaned over her and began to type away into the search engine.

"Maybe... he didn't seem the suspicious type... and didn't you say this... Kryze woman was friends with the new runner, Amidala?" Zaiya clarified.

"Yeah they have been seen together multiple times, usually at charity functions or at restaurants," he confirmed. "Amidala I could never find dirt on, so if there's corruption, it stems from Pal--uh the old man... probably." He tapped a few more keys and brought up a few photographs. "Here, this is Satine with her family, it mentions a husband though no pictures so you could be right... There's a sister, it's an old picture but you might... oh here, yeah it mentions the husband is a lawyer so I think you're right."

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