Chapter Thirteen

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Trying to stay awake the day after a huge party is really difficult.

I scribble down some random equations Mrs. Kebler has written on the board for our Pre-Algebra homework today and then go back to daydreaming about the party.

Most of it’s a blur: random faces, loud shrieks of laughter, and always the pounding bass of Metallica. Such a crazy night! I think I might’ve even made out with Sandra Winnow, maybe. Eew. Hope nobody noticed; she and I were over by the drinks’ table and she just...and I guess I just kind of went with it.

I don’t think I was wasted. Crap, I don’t remember.

Dad would kill me if it turned out I was. Lucky I wasn’t caught.

I grin as I remember the sirens outside, the too-loud music finally having attracted the cops. Most people were able to run or hide somewhere before they were able to talk their way inside. A lot of people got arrested, though. Sucks for them.

I scribble down another equation and then toss my notebook into my bag, figuring I’ll do the homework later, even though I have several minutes to the bell and I could be doing it now.

Oh well.

I reach into my pocket and feel the handful of seeds I put in there earlier when I bought a packet from the store yesterday, figuring that since I finally realized I have the power I might as well practice it, right? It’s a good conversation-starter, if anything.

Careful that no one is watching, I pull one out and hold it in my hand, and I focus, and then feel a sudden warmth in my hand as it starts working. I keep my eyes on the board, not looking down, keeping my face blank though I’m very excited.

I risk a glance down, after a while of concentration, and I see a sunflower, the bright yellow petals and the brown center staring up at me like a curious face, the long green stem rising from the center of my palm. When it’s about a foot long, I think “stop.” Then I glance around, feeling relieved no one has noticed what I did.

I look at the flower, quietly pleased with myself. It’s a cool power, no matter what other people say—not that many people know I have something, though. Only a few.

“Connor, what’s that you have there?” Mrs. Kebler suddenly says sharply, and I jerk in my seat, my face reddening as everyone turns to stare at me. A few people start to whisper, their eyes narrowed.

“It’s a flower!” a girl squeals behind me, standing up to see. “Connor used his power and made that flower grow!”

“Please put that away, Connor, and kindly return your attention back to our lesson,” Mrs. Kebler says tartly. A few people snicker.

Jerks. Like they’ve never been called out by a teacher.

When the bell finally rings, I make my way out of the room in a hurry, not wanting to be the center of attention any longer. I decide to leave the sunflower on the desk; someone else can have it.


I turn to see Jamie Curtis walking out of the room, grinning at me.

“You make that?” Jamie says, pointing back at the desk where a group is now gathered, all staring at the flower I grew like it’s a brick of solid gold or something.

“Yeah...well, no, I only made it grow. It’s not like I just created it out of thin air—”

“Like that Smith girl,” Jamie says.

“Yeah. My power only controls growth: I can speed something up or slow it down, but I don’t think it does anything else, though. It’s not a cool power. Like flying, or something. How lame is that?” I say.

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