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Name : Taylor Fynn Whitlock
Called by : Taylor (First name), Fynn (Middle name), Flynn/Flinn (mix)
Nickname : Flynn/Flinn
Nationality : Canadian/British
Age : 14-15
Personality : Undeniably brilliant at music and histories, Fynn is no doubt a both skilled and intelligent girl. Fynn is logical, predictive, cunning, sharp, and empathetic. She is willing to go through so many just for her friends and band and will do everything to help them. This flaws them with the lack of self care, esteem and self importance.


Positive :
Logical - Fynn puts thought into everything to try to analyze and observe,
taking note of every little piece of patterns that might be useful.

Predictive - With Fynn noticing patterns in her logic aspect in her personality,
the patters help her predict things about people or events.

Cunning - She isn't one to decieve, but she will if she had to. For her friends.

Sharp - Quick to understand and notice inconsistencies and is careful with things.

Empathetic - Fynn understands her friends' emotions a lot, feeling them a lot too. But they get overwhelmed.

Flaws :

Selfless - As in, losing her ability to care for herself because she would do anything to be noticed, loved and cared for.

Indecisive - Under pressure of her friends and peers, she can get overwhelmed and might get a fight, flight or freeze response.

Easily angered - It can cause them to be uptight in everything they do.

Uptight - When stressed, they want to take control of everything.

Know-It-all - When someone makes a mistake about a passion topic to her, she will explain endlessly.

Minor flaw - Indecisive, Know-It-All
Major flaw - Uptight, Easily angered
Fatal flaw - Selfless.



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Love Interest - Luna LoudBest Friends - Lori Loud (advice friend), Luan Loud (comfort friend), Leni Loud (best friend)

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Love Interest - Luna Loud
Best Friends - Lori Loud (advice friend), Luan Loud (comfort friend), Leni Loud (best friend)

Hobbies - History, Music (Violins and Keytars), Party planning, Solving cases.
Dislikes - Sensory overload, Stressful planning, Tight deadlines, peer pressure, and a friend not being careful.

Vocal Claim : Lydia The Bard

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