Part 13

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Roxy's POV:

'FUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!' i say to myself. I get up and i decide to call Mari.

Me: Hi.... How are you??

Mari: Im fine.... im just a bit.... tired you know...

Me: Oh ok.... havent heard from you in a while .... you sure everything is fine?

Mari: Yea... yea totally, why wouldnt it be..

Me: idk i was a bit worried bc last time i saw you were at the party... oh.. why did you leave anyways

Mari: i hate partys you know that.... i was bored so i went to a random bench and after a few min.. umm... i fell asleep...

Me: oh.. HAHA... no i mean haha great umm... just tought something bad happened.

Mari: nope.. everythings... fine

Me: ok just... you can talk to me abt everything

Mari: yea i know bye

She hangs up before i could say anything else... this gives me a weird feeling..

Andees POV:

I wake bc i went to sleep just out of boredom. I get up, get ready and i start skating to old lyptak. once i arrive there i just start skating till I was out of breath. i make a break to smoke. i sit down on my board and i light a cig. 'i hate my life... i dont even why i just do hahah'i say to myself. i stay there for other 45min and then i go back to my house. i go in and i make a quick check on anto whos sleeping. i put my board down and i take my guitar. i play for.. idk how long. i slowly get bored so i put my guitar down and my phone starts ringing. Its JJ.

Me: sup!

JJ: oh nothhing just wanted to know if you want to come over. Reny and Domi are comig too. I'm bored af and you guys are the only ones i can have fun with.

Me: oh yea ill be there. uumm can roxy come too?

JJ: yea sure thing!

Me: ok cool well be there in a min. Bye

i hang up and i call roxy. "wanna come to JJ's?" i ask while putting my converse on. "Oh umm no sorry i cant, maybe another time ok?" "oh yea ok.. bye then". she hangs up and i start skating to JJ's. i arrive there and i knock on the door. JJ opens it and we go upstairs to his room. Reny is already there sitting on the ground. i sit on JJ's bed and JJ sits next to me. "how are you man" Reny asks. "Oh im fine im just bored af" i say. "Wanna listen to some music?" JJ asks. we all agree and he put on snoop. we just start talking abt some random stufff untill the bell rings. "I guess its Domi, im going" JJ say but Reny and I follow him bc we want smt to drink. "Hello!" Domi says while sitting down on the counter. "Hello my friend " i say while taking a beer. "Want one too?" i ask domi and she nods. I give her one and we all go upstairs. We start drinking and we talk abt some random shit. JJ goes downstairs to get a refill and i go with him. We look around the kitchen but there are only two beers left. "Wow!" i say. JJ turs to me and he sees a lot of alcohol hidden under the sink. we look at eachother and we take all the alcohol we can carry. "I hope my dad doesnt notice" he says in a sarcastic way and i start laughing. we open the door and we can see Renys eyes sparkle. "Want some?" I ask while putting all the alc on the bed. "Allright weee haavveee... Vodka, Smirnoff ice, Jägermeister, Aftershock, Tequila, Avalanche, Jack Daniels, Jamson Whiskey-" "YEA! ok is enough to get drunk :)" Reny says while taking a bottle of Vodka and opens it. "HEY HEY!!! I WANT SOME TOO U DICK HEAD!" i scream before taking the bottle from Reny and the others start laughing. "See thats what i meant. Ur the funniest people ever ahahahah" JJ says i smile while drinking and i spill the vodka and that makes the other laugh even more. "NOOOOOOOOOOO! ALL THE GOOD ALCOHOOOOOL!!" Reni says while siting infront of the Vodka i spelled. i laugh so hard, it souns like if a demon just came out of my soul. 4h go by and Reny decides to go home. "nO nono no no Man! ur drUnk as fuck ur not gOing anyWhere!" JJ says. "HmmmMmm ok... gUess ill stay" he says bofore grabbing the taquila bottle. "ok..hmmMMm... Never hAve i evEr... kissEd a giRl" Reny says. we all look at eachother and we all take a sip. "WhhaAT?! am i The onLy one thAt diDnt?!" Reny says and we all start laughing. "neVer have i ever....liEd to someoNe in this roOm". I ask and luckly no one drinks. "neVer have i eveR... weNt skinNy dippiNg" JJ says. We look around and we all see that Reny is staring at us really nervously. "....PHAAAAHHAHSHHAAHAHASHA" i start laughing again and everyone joins me. Reny picks up the bottle and takes a sip before laughing. We continue to play till 1am. "Damn its prettY lAte" domi says. "yEa immA go" i say. the others also say bye and we all leave. As soon as i get home i go upstairs and i immidietly fall asleep.

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