𝟷𝟺. ɴᴏᴛ ᴍʏ ғɪʀsᴛ ʀᴏᴅᴇᴏ

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TW: blood, fainting, vomit

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TW: blood, fainting, vomit


A bright light enveloped Jordyn. 

There was nothing but light.
And a voice.

A voice so far and yet so close. So familiar, yet an echo of itself.

Jordyn strained her ears to make out what the ominous voice was saying but it proved far more difficult than she expected.


With a jolt, Jordyn came to and sat up. This, however, was detrimental as her muscles ached from the abrupt movement.

"Oh thank god you're alive."

Jordyn blinked, her eyes slowly adjusting to the lighting of her surroundings. Her hands, which she used to support herself, caressed the floor beneath her fingertips, gracing debris. Looking around and seeing all the destruction around her jogged her mind and she gasped.

Her hand flew to the back of her head, inspecting the source of her headache. Something sticky made her pull her hand back. When she looked down at it, she saw red, cloggy blood. Recognizing what this meant, she returned her hands to her hair and searched for the wound.

Yet all she found was a spot of dried-up blood.

"You hit your head pretty hard," someone said beside the girl. She turned to the man and needed some time to recognize him.

"Douglas," she stated matter of factly. He nodded in agreement and held out a hand to help her stand up. Once she took his hand, he got up from his previous position on the floor and pulled her up.

Meeting Douglas' gaze made Jordyn realize something. "Leo?" She spun around with wide eyes and stared at the trapped boy at her feet. "Leo! No!"

Her vision blurred as the tears came to her. She stared at Leo's arm which lay underneath the fallen beam. From the non-existent distance to the floor and the image of red around it, Jordyn could guess how damaged his arm must be.

She crouched down next to him and took his unaffected hand in hers, clasping it tightly. A sob escaped her, "I'm so sorry. So, so, incredibly sorry. I wanted to-" another sob interrupted her but she started over, "I wanted to save you. It wasn't supposed to be you. I'm sorry. Please. Believe me, I tried, I-"

Yet another sob intervened with her apology. Leo chose this moment to speak up himself. As weak as he was and as much pain he was feeling, the only thing on his mind was comforting his friend. "Don't apologize. You-" A shock of pain running through his entire body made him bite his teeth and take a deep breath.

"Don't speak if it hurts."

"No, it's okay. It happens."

"An ambulance is on the way," Douglas added, bending over to try and lift the beam.

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