Chapter 1 - All Laid Out

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Metropolis city, 19.15 pm

Never did Bruce Wayne, of all people, think he'd stand in the middle of Metropolis' main square waiting for his sugar daddy. It had been a couple weeks that he had been getting to know Mr. Kent, a successful businessman that had requested to have a transactional relationship with Bruce. And within those weeks, Bruce finally had a taste of what it was to be Metropolis' elite. Fine dining, nice clothes, and being taken to fancy places. All for the small price of being arm candy for a rich older man. There was one catch to it all, though. To ensure the safety of himself and his identity, Bruce had to disguise himself quite well. He had to be a woman.

Looking up from his phone, Bruce spotted the one and only, Clark Kent approaching him. He looked at the other from head to toe; already being able to view his thick rimmed glasses and combed back black hair. That night, Clark was dawning on a beige coat and a satchel around his shoulder. Just a glance at him, and people would have assumed he was just a regular office worker and not the chairman of Lexcorp. But perhaps, it was his intent to be as 'harmless looking' and average as possible.

Bruce's bright blue eyes finally met Clark's darker ones, smiling. Bruce himself had dressed up as a woman, wearing a black dress that reached his calves, with a white denim jacket on top to hide his more 'masculine' arms. Not to mention the wig he had wore, bright red with the tips touching his back hips. He looked almost unrecognizable compared to how he would have looked normally for college. He slipped his phone into his pocket, and there he began to initiate his role as Heather Prince.

"Hey, Heather. Sorry I made you wait for so long," Clark apologized to him.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Kent. I didn't wait too long," Bruce replied, getting on his tiptoes to kiss Clark's cheek.

A flush of pink went across Clark's cheeks, and a smile creased across his lips. "You're too patient with me," he said. "Shall we?"

"We shall," Bruce replied, interlocking his arm with Clark's as they turned to enter the Italian restaurant behind them.

Walking into the restaurant, Clark was the one who gave his name to the waiter. Bruce wasn't that surprised that he had reserved a seat for them, as it would just guarantee that they got a good seat. The more exclusive seats, one might say.

After the two were seated at the table, Clark thanked the waiter. They both received the menus, and ordered a starting beverage before they were left to their own company.

Clark's eyes flicked up now and again, curious as to what Bruce was doing. He thought Bruce looked pretty cute that night, nothing less than what he had come to expect from Bruce. When the waiter came over, Clark closed his menu.

"And what can I get you guys tonight?" He asked.

Bruce looked to Clark first, allowing him to order so he wouldn't seem rude.

Taking the hint, Clark spoke on both of their behalf. "I would like the aglio e olio with extra spice to it. For her, a carbonara pasta with lobster tail. I'd also like to get a glass of Recioto Della Valpolicella, and half and half iced tea for her."

Bruce seemed a bit stunned when Clark so boldly ordered for him off the bat, and more surprisingly, he knew exactly what he had in mind for dinner. Sure, they had been out to eat a couple times before, but he didn't expect Clark to seemingly read his mind. The waiter seemed unphased, just jotting down their order without a second thought for Clark ordering Bruce's food.

"Alright, we'll be cooking your food immediately," The waiter spoke, leaving after giving them a polite smile.

Speechless, Bruce looked up at Clark with an amount of genuine disbelief in his eyes.

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