Chapter 5

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"Jade, can you take this over to Mary's house she left her AirPods over here and was looking for it heavily," my grandma came around the corner dropping the case in my lap

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"Jade, can you take this over to Mary's house she left her AirPods over here and was looking for it heavily," my grandma came around the corner dropping the case in my lap.

I sighed, stretching my arms above my head and arching my back. Before I could reply back with a sure she was already walking away. I slipped some Crocs on, only dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. I put my hair up into a bun before I opened the door and stepped outside.

It took thirty seconds to get to their door and twenty for someone to answer it. Reid revealed himself, his hair disheveled as if he had just woken up or gotten in a fight with a Yorkie. I can't decide.

"Your mom left these at my house," I yawned handing him the case.

He took it in his hands, flashing a smile. "Thanks, want to come inside my humble adobe."

My eyes widen at the sudden invitation. I immediately begin shaking my head, ready to decline when a whisp of blonde hair pops up from under Reid's arm. "What's taking so long," she whined.

She looked over at me her eyes widening as well and "Oh." She was around the same height as me maybe a bit taller. I was only 5'4 so possibly 5'6? Her hair was long reaching down to her back. Her eyelashes were impeccably long as well, only adding to her beauty.

"You're pretty," she grinned, crossing her arms. "Please don't tell me you're with this idiot here," she jabbed a thumb in Reid's direction.

He shoved her face back, causing her to stumble a few steps back, "Shut the hell up Maxine."

Her face flushed pink as she clenched her fists tightly. "I told you to call me Max you dimwit, you know how much I hate that name," she pointed an angry finger at him.

Maybe I should leave they seem to be having a personal conversation. I cleared my throat catching the couple's attention, "I think I'm just gonna go," I said turning on my heels.

Max hit Reid on his shoulder, a loud "ow" sounding from him. "Now look what you did, tell her to come back," she grumbled, pushing him out the door.

"Jade wait," he called after me. His sudden hand on my shoulder caused me to stop and a cold chill ran up my spine. I hope he didn't feel that. He turned me around, the both of us now face to face. "Stay a bit," he said lowly, only for my ears to hear.

I looked back at Max who nodded her head, mouthing "Say yes," over and over. The corner of my lips twitched. Sighing I said okay and followed him back to the door where I was ushered in by Max.

"Hi I'm Max," she held her hand out.

I shook her hand, a smile pulling at my lips, "I'm Jade."

"I know," she replied back quickly, "Reid told me all about you."

I turned to Reid whose eyebrows were furrowed, a faint blush on his cheeks, "Why do you always make things sound different than what they are Max?"

She raised her hands in defense, "Hey I can't help what comes out my mouth and how it sounds. Deal with it."

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