chapter 2 cannibals

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Within the day m/n learned fast. The sawyers where cannibals.

After 'mama'cleaned his up quickly he sat with her watching her make lunch. She showed him how she did it. And he took it all in. Remembering important things she told him.

He helped set the table as mama called for the others. He sat next to bubba. Soon Drayton joined, and two others alone with a old man. Mama sat on the other side of m/n while the younger boys on the opposite of him and bubba, and the old man on one end, Drayton the other.

"Chop-top, Nubbins. This is m/n. M/n there are my other two boys chop-top and Nubbins." Mama said pointing to them as m/n ate the lovely human flesh. Even after his mothers incident. He was still hungry.

"Kids all skin an' bones." Chop-top said.

"Quiet you." Drayton said. And the rest of the dinner was rather quiet.

Once finished the twin boys went with there dad. Grandpa to his chair. And m/n helped clean up with mama. "Oh i got it dear. Bubba gonna show ya around." She said smiling. Nodding he followed right behind bubba as he took him upstairs. Showing each of the rooms, before a empty one. Pointing to m/n then the room making noises again. He understood 'yours' well enough.

"My room?" He asked and got a nod. Then they went outside. Walking to a barn bubba showed m/n the chickens. Running after one to catch it.

Once he did he turned to see m/n already holding one of them, their rooster Philip. (I have a rooster names Philip) "icken." Bubba tried to say. M/n figured he had some from of speech problem.

"Ch-icken" he said. Trying to help.

"Slicken" it sounded like.

"Chicken." He said slowly and calmly.

"Chicken." Bubba finally said and m/n smiled and nodded. Getting happy noises from bubba as well. Putting the birds back, next was the cows. They had two cows and one heifer. "Macy. Lily. CC." He said pointing to each one. They were Holstein Friesian cattle, milking breed. With black and white markings.

"Their cute." M/n said putting one as he licked his hand.

"Give..hay." bubba said pausing to get his words out. Going over to a hay bail. And throwing it in. M/n tried to do the same but had to drag it over. And could barely lift it over the fence. By the time he got it in bubba already has another one in and was done.

"Not..strong." m/n said embarrassed by his state. He really was just akin and bones. No muscle, no fat.

"Work" bubba said. M/n raking a moment to understand smiled. He wanted to help.

That was the moment bubba made up his mind. M/n was now his favorite brother and he was gonna help. Showing m/n the things he does in a day before talking to the yard. Showing him is chair saw. "Use to kill..practice."

'So bubba was practicing to kill. And used the chair saw' m/n thought taking the chair saw bubba was holding out to him. Regardless of its small child like size it was heavy. "Walk with..weight practice." Bubba said and walked with m/n as he carried the chair saw with him around outside, in the house. Before he got to tried.

Before walking to to bubba the twins called out to them. "Oi m/n, we got ya car over." Nubbins said. And m/n followed them outside to see his old family's car. With the help of his newly found brothers. They took everything in the car to his room, other then his mother of course. And then the twins and bubba went to deal with her before using the car for parts or just a spare.

M/n going through the things took all his stuff out. And anything he wanted. Before taking his parents clothes to mama since they wouldn't fit him.

Moving stuff around his room slightly. And putting things away he was happy with how it turned out. And he was especially happy he had some books with him.

As if to make it better.

Dinner was ready. And today's menu: human.

That hannibal meme is literally just m/n in book one. I can't 💀

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