Aster Verident (Twilight/Obscurity)
Miracle: Energy manipulation / Can create a chemical fog of his own concoction.
Physical: 5'9 (used his powers to gain extra height in his late teens), Green eyes (like his father), Black hair ( even though it naturally looks black he dyes it to keep it as dark as possible and often keeps it kind grown out. The rest of his family is blonde. Can be seen with it clipped back or even held with a head band. Often during physical activity or study), has a secret septum piercing, broad shoulders, purposefully low defined muscle to spite his father who keeps him in peak condition. Known to have a few various beauty marks (a trait shared with his mother). Not very expressive but it would make sense that someone who pays attention could see the subtlties. This person would probably also be able to tell that the polite smiles he does sometimes show are fake.
Origin: Unbeknownst to the public Aster is the product of a mistress. His mother was a villain who seduced his hero father in disguise and did everything in her power to conceive. Then upon birth she had a fellow villain give the child her powers, a transfer which can only be done through her own death. He was sent to his father as a bastard orphan by the man who transfered the powers (Dawson). A man who worked under the hero making the hero unable to abandon the child. Dawson helped Aster conceal his out of age powers and revealed his bloodline to him.
Powers: Aster and Dawson were both surprised when under his fathers intense gaze he received another miracle upon his eighteenth birthday. To his family, (dad, step mom, half sister) he is twight a side kick grade character. He is able to draw energy in and use it to make him self slightly stronger, faster, more adpet at fighting. It can do little things like make his body warmer, cause static, transfer electricity but he can't take in too much energy or it will become too much to handle. Abusing this power has givin him an autoimmune disorder (similar to lupis). The powers transfered to him from his mother are similar. He can absord chemicals or even having a complex understanding of their make up and then secrete them... usually as a gass from his pores. As the villain obscurity his arrival is often predated by a sudden sweep of fog or darkness which provides cover for his entrance.
Twilight: Aster has already been outted as being Twilight. When while transformed he called Apex his father publicly during a fight. Apex being a well known unmasked figure many already knew Aster was his child and made the connection easily. This was all a ploy so that it would be harder to realize he was also the up and coming villain Obscurity. Twilight's transformation is mostly white and blue, a very plain tight fitting outfit made for easy movement with a solid white mask that covers his whole face. Twilight often pairs up with various heros or even hero groups for missions or patrols. He isn't known for being strong or super skilled and tries to keep a low almost clumsy profile. Many heros reach out to him simply for his social value.
Apex: Aster's father never wanted children. He meticulously worked to find the perfect wife and didn't want anything about her to change through birth. So they went quite for a few months after Asters appearance and suddenly put forth the news that they had a child. Giving the story of a easy pregnancy that they didn't find out about til last minute. Aster's step mother is a shape shifter who used to work for a foreign government doing spy work until Apex snatched her up. She lives a luxurious life as a model now and is usually cold and brash with Aster. Her distaste for Aster is the only reason she begged Apex to let them have a true child which brought about his sister who is two years younger. Apex holds impossibly high standards for his son and has always been a perfectionist. He has a thirst and addiction to power, glory, and praise. He is whatever the people want him to be. Aster is one of few people who know how unsavory and bigoted everyones hero truly is. Twilight is the mask Aster uses to be the perfect son. Apex pushes Aster constantly trying to get him to be hero level. They have a healer on stand by constantly during training because his father is known not to hold back when sparing even when he was young. His father is a big reason why his miracle has had negative effects on his health.
Aster (Civilian life): Aster has always been a quite person. He doesn't come off as the shy type of quite though, more of a condescending gaze type. He is known to be a good public speaker, confident in social situations and can come across very charming when he is inclined to be nice. He is only usually around people when those people want something from him. Whether from his money or fame. He is known to be civil but often subtley insult or belittle people. He was often top of his class, good at physical activity, popular with his looks but with such was the target of envy. An attempt on his life has been a common occurrence since he was born so he is usually very aware of his surroundings and distrusting of people. So he has many fans as well as many enemies (among villains and heroes). He is rather arrogant at times, daring enough to have alteregos be practically synonyms. While he keeps a hard exterior he is quite soft inside. He is constantly disappointed by the world around him and can be quite pessimistic. He's fond of animals and children (all those "pure and innocent") and has a soft spot for the disabled but initially dislikes everyone else. He is a vegetarian. He is fiercely loyal to those he deems loyal, very few people but also known to be avid fans of artists/authors/musicians/restaurants. Has very repeative tendencies, likes a sense of routine. Dislikes excessive noise (yelling mostly), any kind of discrimination, being misunderstood (which happens often to the quite ones), the fake kindness of socialites, being wet, chocolate, seafood (taste and smell), the color green. Afraid of bugs, tight spaces and heights (but loves the adrenaline of his fear). Likes cold weather, his little sister, lemon/sour candy, the outdoors, blue/yellow, dancing, fire, the power of getting people riled up and reactive, seeing people cry, rope, excessive amounts of sleep (when he can manage it unbothered).
Obscurity: Aster has been working in the shadows since he was about thirteen. Learning of his powers when he was about ten at first he was ashamed. Being preached the good nature and rules of being a hero he wanted to hide his true self. However as he got old enough to observe the world and understand things better he realized how twisted the system really was. His father was truely not any better then the villains he put away. He was simply lucky and strong. A hatred grew quickly and Aster could no longer recall a time when he was not working to bring his father down. Obscuritys transformation is largely extravagant. Black with gold details, he wears a waist corset and knee high combat booths with a nice long silky cape. He wears a cartoon wolf mask often with extravagant gold head pieces. All a pointed attack to the things his father often talked badly about heroes and villains wearing. To conceal his identity Obscurity has never spoken, he is known to beat people to a pulp without them ever knowing exactly why. His most common crime is theft and destruction of property. He is known to crash high profile events and be generally offensive (gestures and graffiti). He often leaks high society secrets and reveals people in compromising situations. He is known to be in possession of many stolen military techs, weapons and secrets. Obscurity has a group of henchmen that call themselves his shadows: Umbra, Penu, and Eclipse.
Aster x Nova:

Obscurity Character Info
RomanceI recently started a romance roleplay, mxm about a supervillian and a super hero. This character obscurity is the villainous son of one of the world's biggest heroes. His romantic interest is the son of his fathers archenemy. He was raised by kind...