His Penis

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You met Waluigi when you were little kids at McBurgerKing.
As you two grew older his penis grew bigger until it was bigger than Mount Everest.
One day when you were both 99 you randomly wanted to suck his salami.
You started sucking it until it started twitching and came inside your mouth.

You were happy so you took off your clothes and spread your legs open and he put his Big Member Of Mafia inside once but once he pushed his hard member inside as hard as he could you remembered you still had a bunch of legos inside your womanhood.

It hurted so much that you were immediately rushed to the nearest hospital and died healthy.

Waluigi then looked at all the cum on the math sheets and ate it and died because it was poisonous.

James Charles wanted to take his revenge.

James Charles wanted to take his revenge

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The end ending

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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