Chapter One

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     "Katsuki! Get your little ass down here! By this rate we won't get there until midnight," Mitsuki yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Today is the day where the Bakugou's are moving to another part of Japan. Katsuki silently looked out of his window for the last time before angrily walking down stairs to meet his mother. Mitsuki pointed to the car outside as she gathered the rest of the bags from inside the house. Katsuki 'tched' before listening to his mother and walked outside and sat down on the curb. Little Katsuki didn't want to move, for this is where All Might's legacy in Japan started. He wanted to grow up and live in the same city All Might did, and maybe one day surpass him so he can be the number one hero. He didn't want to move away, he wanted to stay here where he knew the other kids, even the crybaby deku.

          "Kacchan!" A familiar voice called Katsuki, making him stand up and look over only to find his "friend?" Deku. Deku was walking towards him with his mother walking behind him. Deku walked up to him all happy-like, until he reached katsuki.

         "Are you ready Kacchan? We're gonna go to your new house," Deku says happily as he pumps his fist in the air. Katsuki looked at him confused and a little angrily, because his mother didn't tell him that the Midoriyas were joining them to Sukai Japan. Katsuki rolls his eyes and shoves his bag into the car.

       "Screw off nerd, you're not invited," Katsuki said, hopping into the back
seat and closing the door, leaving the poor boy speechless. Izuku stands there fiddling with his fingers not knowing what to do. Inko then walks into the picture, putting a hand on her son's back.

     "Try not to take it to heart Izuku, Katsuki is probably more irritated at
the fact that he's moving," Inko coos, rubbing her son's back. Izuku clenches Inko's shirt, before looking up at her and smiling. She smiles back and tells him to hop in the car and wait there with Katsuki. Izuku nods his head and runs to the car, lifting his All Might toy in the air so he can pretend that he was flying. Katsuki had his arm resting on the shoulder of the car door, staring out the window. Izuku looked at his friend and then back at his All Might toy, making a decision to scoot over to the explosive boy and sit beside him. Katsuki tensed up and was about to yell at the green haired boy when Izuku  lifted his favorite toy in Katsuki's face.

     "Here Kacchan, I want to give you this. Mama said that you might be sad that you're moving away, so I want to give you this to remind you that you will always have a place here and you can always come visit us," Izuku said, trying to force a smile despite how sad he was himself that his friend was leaving. Katsuki looked at him speechless for a second before his mind gave him the idea that the green eyed boy was looking down on him. So in that moment, Katsuki's eyebrows furrowed and slapped the All Might toy out of Izuku's hand. Izuku quickly drew his hand back and held it to his chest, rubbing the pain away. The slight red mark that Katsuki placed was still very visible. Izuku felt tears prick his eyes from the pain, but quickly shook them away as he hopped off the car seat to the floor, so he could try and find the fallen action figure.

     "The hell you looking down on me for, nerd? I dont need some shitty ass toy given by you," Katsuki said, staring Izuku down, who is still scanning the floor for the tossed toy. Katsuki let out a angered grunt before turning back to the window and whispering "Stupid nerd" under his breath. Not a moment later Inko and Mitsuki opened the opposite side door of the car and placed a couple more bags on the window seat. This action made Izuku forced to sit next to Katsuki. Not that he minded, he just hopes that the car ride will go smoothly. Mitsuki and Masaru hop in the front seats and start the car.

     "Seatbelts boys, we are getting on the freeway, and it will be a long ride, so get comfortable," Mitsuki called to the backseat, turning her head to look at both Katsuki and Izuku. After that moment of not being able to find the tossed All Might figurine, Izuku reluctantly gets up and sits next to Katsuki.

     "Izuku dear, your mother will be riding in the car behind us, so you two will have some way to get back home. Also if you get tired riding with us, you can always ride with her too," Mitsuki said kindly. Izuku nodded and started to play with his thumbs, since the only toy he took with him was carelessly tossed away and lost in the cracks of the car. As the car began to move, the sudden feeling of sadness and anger boiled within the small body of the ash blonde boy, because from this point on, he won't be living in this part of Japan anymore. He took on more look at his old house as it got smaller and smaller the more they drove away, until it was fully out of sight. That's when all the emotions kicked in and he knew that going back home was impossible. He felt hot tears well up in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away and kept staring out his car side window.

     As Mitsuki said, the car ride to their new home was indeed long. To have everyone stay occupied in doing something instead of being bored was a little tricky, but they managed. Even though there were a couple classic fights between Mitsuki and Katsuki, they eventually settled down. A few times during the ride, both cars took breaks, either for the bathroom, for food, or just to stretch their legs. Every now and then Katsuki and Izuku would play together, but would soon be interrupted with a fight or Mitsuki attempting to take a picture of both boys getting along. At one moment during the car ride Mitsuki had successfully taken a photo of both boys getting along. After she took it, she put her phone down and just watched the two boys for a while. She chuckled quietly to herself before sitting back in her seat. If she were loud, she wouldn't get her moment to tease Katsuki that he and Izuku allowed each other to rest their heads on one another's. Mitsuki smiled softly and sent the picture to Inko's phone, so she could always have it too.

     Once both cars were close to the new Bakugou home, Izuku started to shake Katsuki awake. He let out an annoyed grumble and opened his eyes. He looked at the excited green haired boy and furrowed his brows.

     "Will you stop shaking me already-" Katsuki started but Izuku interrupted by pointing out the window.

     "Kacchan Kacchan look! We are here," Izuku cheered, pointing out of Katsuki's window. Katsuki looked out his window to see green trees and a kind looking neighborhood. In Katsuki's mind, he thought it looked decent, but it wasn't home, so he just clicked his tongue and pushed Izuku off of him.

     "So what if we are here or not? This is all so stupid," Katsuki pouted. Although Katsuki felt uneasy, the thought that Izuku was more excited than he was, made him feel more angry.

     "What do you think, boys? Isn't this place pretty?" Masaru asked, pulling into the driveway of an old looking home. The home looked to be two stories high, with plants and trees surrounding the home. On the sides of the house, there were stone linings, before it connected to a more wood looking outer core.

     "It looks so cool!" Izuku cheered, jumping in his seat full of excitement, while Katsuki just slid out of the car to look at his new home. Izuku followed Katsuki and ran to his side. Izuku then pointed to the front of the house next to the front door, where there were slightly overgrown rose bushes, hugging the front of the house and the porch steps.

            "Kacchan look! You have pretty flowers in your yard," Izuku said excitedly and ran towards them. Katsuki raised his lip in disgust, but followed after the excited boy. Izuku reached his hand out to a large red rose, but when his hand gripped around the stem, he immediately drew his hand back and whimpered in pain. Katsuki looked at him confused and worried for a moment before he looked up and saw that Izuku had wrapped his hand around a stem full of thorns. Katsuki couldn't help but let out a little snicker.

     "You idiot! Rose bushes have thorns on their stems," Katsuki laughed, Pointing up at the rose bushes. Izuku looked up at Katsuki and then up at the rose bushes. His eyes widen when he finally sees the thorns. The little boy then looks at his bloody hand and wipes away a couple tears, letting out a little laugh even though he was still in pain.

     "hehe, youre right, that was kinda stupid of me," Izuku giggled. Katsuki then turned his head to look around when his eyes spotted a little girl peeking her face around a good climbing tree in his front yard. She flinched when she made eye contact with him. She started to back up when Katsuki called out to her.

     "Hey you! Quit hiding and show your face," He yelled to her, but she had already begun running away. Katsuki was about to run after her, but his mother had called to him to come help her with bags and unpacking. Katsuki took one look back at the mystery girl before clicking his tongue and walked to his mom.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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