Chapter 5: Mall Adventures!

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Star was excited but as we got closer she seemed to grow nervous. The size of the mall was surprising and a bit intimidating, that's for sure.

After Furries came about, the declining state of malls across America are healed and flourish. Massive mall booms caused the stadium sized behemoth of a mall before us to form. The Neverpale mall.

They could hold most of not all main chain stores and they do. If the four distinct and separate food courts spread throughout the mall.

Know the saying? Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned? Well, cancel a furry girl's shopping trip she had planned that day, and they won't find the body. Period. End of story.

I park the car and notice star shaking slightly. "You alright star?" She nods without looking. Probably so I couldn't read her face.

"Y-yeah, just..." She trails off and I smirk, starting to scratch behind her ears. She calms down and smiles, looking at me. "Just big"

I, full on, smile at this. "It is, trust me. The humans around here were stupefied at the shear size of it. But they now can't see this city without it." She leans in, my body leans in on impulse.

Our lips meet and those fireworks went off again. Her gentle, calm lips were soft and delicate. She tasted delicious and my lips beg for more as we part. "Don't worry, Star, you'll be fine."

She nods and I kiss her forehead. I unbuckle and open her door for her. She elegantly steps out, trying something she probably saw in a movie. We walked to the entrance. While she admires the building, I spot some signs for a local choir performance scheduled for today right at the Mall's main plaza.

Talk about convenient. Shopping and a show. As we enter the doors we enter the main plaza to see them setting up the stage at one end. The area fenced off to allow the crew to work.

Star's eyes sparkle in wonder at the spacious 10+ story main plaza. The center reaches the glass ceiling separating the sky from the mall. The nine levels of balconies a marvel of modern architectural engineering.

I grab a trolley. It's like a shopping cart but meant for going into multiple stores. "Star, can you keep a hold of the cart so we don't get separated and lost?" I ask, trying not to be demeaning. She thankfully understood and simply giggles as she grabs a handle on the side of the trolley there for that reason.

We walk around aimlessly. Letting the curious wolf wander. She makes it a point to keep the cart in her grasp, which I appreciate. Then her stomach growls. "What's that smell? It smells so good~" she almost moans as a bit of drool escapes the corner of her mouth.

"Probably the first of the food courts." I chuckle seeing the scent barrier signs. The signs are so humans don't get weirded out at reactions from Furrs similar to Star's. "Want to grab a bite to eat?"

She vigorously nods. I kiss her cheek and lead her to the food court. She flushes a bright red and follows, giggling. Safe to say she's happy. A sign tells what restaurants are in the upcoming food court. It seems this one is the main one considering it doesn't have a nationality area like the others do.

Star's POV
"Lead the way star, I'll follow you." He says, this day has been amazing. Now he's allowing me to pick what we eat. After looking around at the overwhelming options, I close my eyes and sniff.

The scents of meat, cheese, and all of these flavorful powders(spices to those who aren't plushies made flesh). There's this other group of smells that Intrigues me. It's savory yet sweet, meaty, but cheesey, but has this bite to it that I can place a paw pad on.

I start to walk, literally following my nose, eyes closed. I heard the wheels of the basket thing, follow behind me. I weaved through the crowd of humans and furs by scent alone.

I stop just outside of where the smells are strongest. I open my eyes to be greeted by a building front looking store with a sign proudly hung that shows a pig anthro above the name Porky's BBQ Bonanza. A dark board with powdery white text says the current special is the BBQ sampler pizza.

"Seems like the pig finally did it." Master says as he approaches. The basket thing  filled with a few more items. Seems he did some shopping while I searched for this.

"What do you mean, master?" I ask, confused as to what he meant. He just smiled at my question. I can't help but wonder how many questions it would take to annoy the fuck out of him.

"One of the few people who likes me still, I met before I was adopted. He helped feed me and a few other kids who's parents couldn't afford food often. We kept saying he should open a restaurant and he's always wanted to make a living on his barbecue. Helps that it's his best type of food he cooks. His wife had a chain of pizza places  a bit ago. Seems like she helped him" he says pointing at the special board.

"That's interesting. It smells good, but what is barbecue?" I ask tilting my head.

"I should have talked to you more when you were a plush I guess." He says dryly before cackling boisterously. As he laughs at his joke, I giggle at his goofiness.

He leads me inside to smell a world of delicious smelling food.

Oh the wonders that await~

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