The Star that Fell from the Heavens

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"Once upon a time there was a magical world called Phantasia. In this world of magic and beauty there was peace, until a god of immense darkness and destruction came... the Dark Lord. After the Dark Lord came, chaos awoke. The land that was once majestic and green turned to ash and despair. Then after centuries of chaos and death, the Goddess of Peace decided to give her powers to a lone and distant star. After the Goddess gave her powers to the star she sent the star down to a once blessed kingdom which is now nothing but ruins..."

Now in the present time after the star has just fallen, a young boy wander into a clearing.

"Man wood chopping was a lot today, better get home soon." He stated in a hurry.

"Weird, there are a lot more flowers than normal, especially in this area and in a straight line..." He said hesitantly, following the path.

"Huh what's this!? A wolf, why is it all alone?" He asked himself, while getting a closer look.

"Well, it looks like it's up to me to help you." He said confidently to the unconscious wolf.

The boy picked up the wolf and carried it back to his village.


It had been multiple hours since the boy had brought the wolf to his house. The wolf had been laying on the bed the whole time barely moving. Then right before the boy could check on the wolf it had woken up. Once the wolf woke up it started to glow an unearthly color, a color that resembled the galaxy itself. When the wolf stopped glowing the boy could finally see. He looked closely at the creature and it was no longer a wolf; instead it had become what seemed like a human only with the ears and tail of a wolf.. a Lycan... Not only was it human but it was a young girl that seemed to be about the boy's age. While the boy was distracted analyzing the girl he didn't notice how terrified she was. Then in an instant the wolf girl leaped into the air and darted toward the stairs! This scared the boy so much he almost screamed.

While the boy was pulling himself together the wolf girl had encountered another person who seemed just as confused as the girl.

"Who are you, and why are you in my house!?" The woman screamed, frightening the girl even more.

Then before the woman could get another word out the girl jumped out the door running down the town. Out of nowhere another woman leaped out and held the girl down.


All three of the villagers sat down with the girl and started to question her.

"So what's your name?" The boy asked impatiently.

"Ow!" He shouted as the woman who held down the girl from earlier smacked him.

"Sorry dear some people just don't know how to apologize." The woman explained, but the wolf girl seemed like she barely understood what was happening.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." The boy muttered.

The wolf girl started to speak and everyone went quiet.

"Meka..." She whispered.

"What?" He asked gently.

"" She whispered a little louder.

"Meka, is that your name?" He asked.

Meka nodded as she glanced over to the first woman she saw before. The woman had been standing in the corner throughout their entire conversation.

"What..what is your name..." She asked the boy.

"Oh! My name is Ren, Renji Akuma." Ren answered.

"A-and what is yours..." She asked as she stuttered at the woman.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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