Hollyberry x dragon! reader

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Requested by: Catsloveyuo

Y/N is the dragon known for their golden scales and their singing voice. One day Hollyberry was visiting her lover when she found them badly injured.


Hollyberry was currently visiting her lover outside the kingdom, she went to their usual spot thinking her lover would be there.

But they weren't...

'Strange...' she thought looking around the area once more.

But when she still didn't find them, she decided to look for them. She was starting to get more and more worried.


When she finally found them, they were badly wounded.

Hollyberry: "Y/N!! What on earthbread happened?!" she asked panicking as her lover barely stood awake, "let's take you to the kingdom and get you a healer!" she said running back to the kingdom with Y/N Dragon Cookie in her arms.


Arriving back at the kingdom, Hollyberry imediatly took Y/N to the castle, she layed them down on her bed and imediatly sent a letter to Pure Vanilla.

Knowing he would take long, she started cleaning their wounds and bandaging them up, the golden scales on their tail were tainted with a bit of jam/blood, at this rate her lover had already fallen unconscious.

Hollyberry was worried for a moment but realized they were still breathing well.

-Another timeskip-

Once Pure Vanilla got there, seeing the worried look on his friend's face, got to the job imediatly.

Pure Vanilla: "all healed, we can remove their bandages already" he said giving his friend a reasuring smile.

Hollyberry: "I can't thank you enough Pure Vanilla!" she thanked him with a tight hug, hearing him cough shortly after.

Pure Vanilla: *cough* "you're *cough* welcome" he said, Hollyberry then let him go and looked her sleeping lover.

She walked up to the bed and kissed their forehead softly, Pure Vanilla chuckled at the scene.

Pure Vanilla: "aww, don't worry, your lover will be fine, they're a strong dragon after all" he said reminding her of the first time she met them.


Pitaya hissed at their sibling, rage filling their eyes.

Pitaya: "do you not undesssstand? Cookiessss are WEAK! She does not deserve a high ranked dragon like you!" they spat as they watched their sibling stand infront of the ancient, protecting her from their attacks.

Y/N: "no! YOU don't understand! Cookies are not weak! She fought you and won fair and square! Leave these poor cookies be Pitaya!" they said dissapointed at their sibling's atitude towards cookies.

Pitaya: "you'll feel sssorry for betraying your kind like that..." they glared at Hollyberry and flew away.

The other dragon falling to thir knees as their sibling flew away, they were happy they were able to protect the hollyberrian they loved dearly, but they would never forget how their sibling abandoned them for protecting cookie-kind...

They felt a hand on their shoulder, looking us only to see queen Hollyberry Cookie herself comforting a dragon such as themself.

They chuckled lightly, tears running down their face.

Y/N: "you and my sibling don't get along well do you?" they said, their smile faded as they thought of how Longan would react if they found out Y/N protected a cookie.

Hollyberry: "hey now... you did what your heart thought was right, didn’t you? Why are you still upset?..." the ancient asked as the other just stared down to the ground again.

Y/N: "Longan will call me a traitor, a disgrace to dragon kind... a failure..."

Hollyberry then got down to their level and kissed their cheek.

Hollyberry: "if they do, they're not in the right mind! You're not a disgrace Y/N... I promise" she said letting her forehead lean on theirs lightly, the dragon smiled at this.

[End of flashback]

Hollyberry chuckled: "yeah! They stood up to their sibling and survived their fire attack, they never ceased to impress me with their skills ever since" she said, Pure Vanilla nodded.

Pure Vanilla: "i'll be heading back to the kingdom now" he said getting up from his seat, picking up his staff and walking towards the door.

Hollyberry: "already? I was going to invite you for some berry juice once Y/N woke up"

Pure Vanilla: "no thank you Hollyberry, you know I don't drink berry juice" he said sweatdropping, "oh and... I would not recomend giving berry juice to them as soon as they wake up after being healed, and don't drink any yourself please..."

Hollyberry: "what are you? Wildberry?" as she said that Pure Vanilla opened his eyes and gave her a 'really?...' look, "i'm joking, i'm joking Vanilla!" she sweatdropped at her friends reaction.

Pure Vanilla: "I better get going, the raisin villagers need me" he said waving his final goodbye to Hollyberry.

Hollyberry: "take care PV!"

Y/N: "Holly darling, please follow his instructions and don't drink any berry juice for now" they said catching her off guard.

Hollyberry: "hey! Don't become a third Wildberry Cookie! Who's side are you on?" she said putting her hands on her hips and sweatdropping, they chuckled and kissed her.

Hope you like it, it was hard to think of something to write, sorry 😅


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