😩bedroom date😩

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Syo's POV:
I start setting up a bedroom with roses in a hotel room Omaru found. It's are 1 year anniversary so I made something special for us. She has no idea what I've set up so I'll be fun.

I hear Omaru open the front door so I make sure everything is in place before I go to say hello to my beautiful girlfriend who is about to get fucked hard~
Komaru's POV:
I open the door to a hotel room that I found earlier this morning. I hear some sounds that are coming from Syo? She says, "heyyy Omaru! What's up?". "Fine?" I say. I'm wondering why she's acting so odd.

"Sooooooo, I've planned a little date for us tonight" Syo says. I have no idea what I should say cause she is acting hella sus. I finally say "ok! Where is it?".

!!!!Smut starts here^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

Syo gets this look in her face and pulls me in a kiss. I fell her bit my lip and I hesitate to open my mouth but when I do she slips her tongue in my mouth. I feel her tongue in my mouth, exploring every part in it.

I try not to moun when she does this but then she pushes she tongue to the back of my throat and I moun when she does this.

Syo picks me up heading to the bedroom while she starts sucking my neck. I try not to moun until I moun like a bit loud because of this.
Syo's POV:
I hear a moun come from Omaru and push her on the bed. I start sucking her sweet spot hard while I hear moun come from her.

After a while I stop and start to udress Omaru. Once I take her shirt off she trys to hide her in embarrassment but I pull her face and kiss her hard.

Once I pull away from her I grab some handcuffs and lock her hands so she can't move her hands anymore.
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Komaru's POV:
Syo handcuffs me to the bed while I try to stop her unsuccessfully. She pulls up my bra and starts sucking my boobs.

(Writing boobs is making me laugh, why???🤣)

I try not to moun but Syo starts to suck them harder. I finally moun and she pulls my head up and whispers in my ear "Don't hide your mouns, I want to hear them baby~".

She then goes back to sucking my boobs and occasionally switching boobs. I moun while she does this not being able to stop myself probably knowing she'll go harder if I hold back.
Syo's POV:
I'm finally satisfied and I pull down Omaru's skirt making her blush red. Cute. I lick down her chest down to her underwear. I hear a little moun that just turns me on even more.

I pull down Omaru's underwear seeing her beautiful vagina. I see she a little wet and say "awww, you already cumed? Baby baby baby~"

I start licking her vagina earning some mouns from Omaru. She tastes so good and I love the sound of her mouns. Mytongue starts to go in her beautiful vagina.
Komaru's POV:
Syo starts licking my vagina and I can't help but moun cause it feels so good. It sounds so wrong but I can't help it. Istart to feel this thing enter me and it's probably Syo's tongue.

Her tongue goes deeper and deeper and it's moving around in there. I keep mouning but I can't stop. I feel like she likes seeing me so weak to her and she has so much power over me.

And the problem is, she does. I can't stop mouning until she pulls her tongue out and I let out a loud moun. I close my eyes and Syo says "Damm baby, you taste so damm good. And you look so fucking hot as always".
Syo's POV:
I finally pull my tongue out that earns me a loud moun from Omaru. I lick my lips and say "Damm baby, you taste so damm good. And you look so fucking hot as always".

I stick three fingers to Omaru's mouth and say" Suck". Omaru slowly opens her mouth and starts to suck my fingers. After a while I take out my fingers and I slowly start to stick one of my fingers in her.

She starts to moun while I do it and once it fully in she nods her head so I start going in an out. Omaru starts mouning making me start to go faster and faster. I add another finger after a while not stopping the fastness.

And then I add the last finger going even faster. Omaru is a mouning mess but I don't mind. I like that, a lot. After a while I take all my fingers out and I start to suck them for a while.
Komaru's POV:
Syo takes her fingers out of me and starts the suck them. Im still mouning a bit and I'm catching my breath. Syo gets off the bed and grabs something and before I can react she sticks something in my mouth.

I can't see what it is but all I know is that it's big and it will probably be going inside me. After a while Syo pulls it out my mouth. She then asks me "Ya ready hon?". "Yep" I answer.

She then enters the object into me and I can't help but moun in pain/pleasure. Syo pushes it deeper and deeper. It can't stop mouning loudly because of this. "Don't worry, it gets better" Syo says. I ask " Y-your s-sure?". "I'm sure baby" Syo tells me.

She then pushes it fully inside me making me moun loudly once again. She waits for me to tell her to continue and surprisingly waits for me patiently. After a while, I nod my head giving Syo the ok sign.

Syo starts going in and out making me moun in this feeling. It hurts but it feels so good. I feel as she starts going faster and I start mouning in what I find pleasure right now. "Ahh~"
Syo's POV:
I hear as komaru starts mouning as I start pushing this fabulous toy I found at a store. I start pushing it in and out until I hit a point where komaru gives me a sexy moun, "Ahh~".

I smirk as I repeatedly try to hit that same spot and I keep hearing komaru's sexy voice moun in pleasure. I keep hit that same spot of only faster and faster. After a very long time I finally pull the toy out and hear a soft moun. After a while Komaru asks "um hey Syo, I kind um of need to c-cum" as she blushs.

I put my mouth to she vagina and say " Ok, cum for my sexy". Komaru slowly starts to cum and she's looking as hot right fucking now. She looking so hot but embarrassed. After she's done I say "Hey Omaru, you should know 2 things, k. 1.Happy anniversary. And 2. Your fucking mine" as I whisper the last part in her ear.

"o-ok Syo" Omaru says. I unlock the handcuffs off her and ask "So how ya like it hotty?". "I-it was- well good" Omaru says. "So you liked it then?" I ask with a smirk. Omaru says "y-yeah".
I lay right next to her and kiss Omaru's beautiful face as we both fall to sleep.

Omg, that took way to long but I hope you liked reading in loves!🥰!
Cya in the next chapters!

Word count- 1283

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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