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!!This is the rewritten version!!


Rui: Hum? Tsukasa-kun?

Tsukasa: O-oh, Hello Rui...

Rui: Tsukasa-kun, what happened? You seem more quiet than usual.

Tsukasa: It's nothing to worry about. Just some thoughts of mine.

Rui: Please, tell me, what is in your mind? It could help take something off your chest once in a while.

Tsukasa: It's just... everything just doesn't make sense anymore.

Rui: How so?

Tsukasa: It's hard to explain. It just seems like my classmates are all turning against me just because I talk to you. Like, what is the problem? You are just a normal person...

Rui: You know, Tsukasa-kun, it's a normal part of life. People are turning against you because of me, and I wish this has never happened to begin with but I cannot change it now. It's the journey you have to continue until you reach the end. All you need to do is keep going and never look back. Just keep walking to the end, ignoring everyone's remarks about us. Ignore everything and I'm sure you will be able to get through it just like I did in middle school.

Tsukasa: And how do you know if it works?

Rui: I am here, feeling happiness and excitement, sitting next to my amazing boyfriend in my own room.

Tsukasa: I am not that amazing.

Rui: Yes you are. You just don't want to believe it.


Rui gave Tsukasa a small kiss on his lips and hugged him to make the blonde boy feel better.


Rui: I will always be here if you need someone to talk to, Tsukasa-kun.

Tsukasa: Thank you.


And just like that, Tsukasa hugged Rui back as some small tears left his orange eyes.

゚。・⁠*⁠.゚🍃꓄ꁝꏂ ꏂꋊ꒯🍃゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚


゚。・⁠*⁠.゚🍃Author notes🍃゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚

🍃 Did this make any sense? Probably not

🍃 Did I do this chapter out of boredom? Almost yes.

🍃 If you reading consider joining my friend's (aka Sorakokomi) discord server

Link: https://discord.gg/9R43cMeu

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