DD-Day - aka (dreaded dress shopping day)

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*****Be gentle with me this is my first story. I would appreciate honest feed back but don't be cruel ;) I'm not great when it comes to spelling & grammer etc - Sorry! You have been warned.This story will contain bad language and maybe some steamy scenes. To be honest I haven't a clue what I'm doing I'm just going with the flow......lol*****


Jen's POV - 2 weeks before the 'Big Day'

"Please tell me why I'm doing this" I asked my best friend Marnie

"Because you missed out on our proper school prom all those years ago" she reminded me "and now you're going to make up for it.....and more than anything I NEED you there, I can't do this on my own"

I let out a sigh and then turned to her fluttering my long lashes I looked deep into her eyes "Ohh no you don't! You're not getting around me with those big emerald orbs Jenna Evie Johnson we're going if I have to drag your sexy butt kicking and screaming" she laughed looking away. I had tried every excuse in the book to get out of this bloody reunion! It meant facing too many fears I wasn't yet ready to face. 

I just huffed at her, fake sulking but I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, damn that girl to hell, she knows me too well.

Marnie had jetted me off to New York City and dragged me around numerous designer shops (most of which I couldn't pronounce let alone afford to buy from) Don't get me wrong my job as a PA for a very successful CEO paid extremely well and I'd travelled all over the world because of it but this was a whole new world for me. To Marnie this was just like any other day, she is a personal shopper to the stars so was more than used to this, it's a good job really because I didn't know where to start!

Marnie told me she knew exactly what kind of dress she could see me in but was apparently 'Going to have some fun with this...'   A simple statement that left me shaking in my boots...

OMG MY FEET HURT!! I had now lost count of the amount of dresses I had tried on, we walked into what I hoped would be the last shop and Marnie got straight to work. In the changing room she had hung 6 completely different dresses (most of which looked like I was going to be wressling to get into for an hour). I knew I just had to suck it up and make the effort to try and enjoy this even if only for Marnie's benefit!

So first up Marnie held out a short yellow coloured dress. It was strapless and sat just on my knees. There was a yellow flower on the right side just above the bust and underneath sparkeling gems formed a kind of belt going around to the back. It was very pretty and girlie (just like me, well minus the pretty part. I am extreamly girly though) The colour really suited the golden tan I'd recently gotten from a lovely relaxing holiday, but the dress wasn't right for the night. I will however be buying this to wear at a later date.

Next was a pinky lilac coloured dress. Only two huge problems- 1st) I can't flippin' breathe in it and 2nd it made me walk like a penguin, much to Marnie's amusement. This dress equals = an easy NO!

Third was a beautiful red, satin dress that was so long it swept the floor, it had a long slit up one side that would show off a little too much leg and it had a VERY plunging neckline - It was nice but I couldn't help thinking I looked like I was about to seduce somebody, Another No.

Then I wiggled into a tiny LBD (little black dress) a classic. It had long lace sleeves and a lace pannel just above the bust area so you could see skin through it, the rest of the dress was black with the lace over the top of it. A big possible. I could team it with any colour accessories that I fancied from home (and cut the shopping time in half) The only down-side is its pretty short and showing a lot for me but from the other options this one wins so far!

The fifth dress was by far my favourite. It was a diamond white ballgown made from satin and tulle with tiny beading and a corset back. It was stunning...BUT I don't wan't to turn up looking like the run-away bride. At least I know what sort of dress i would have in the unlikely event of me ever getting married.

"I saved the best for last" Marnie said interrupting my daydream. I couldn't help but let out a sigh "Mar is there something wrong with me" I asked as she fiddled about with the next dress, looking over at me she frowned and asked what I meant "well I'm three months away from my 30th birthday, I have no husband or boyfriend, no living children and my family are all over seas not that that's a bad thing. Don't get me wrong I love my job and my house and I have THE bestest friend in all the world right by my side and she's all the family I need" I said smiling at Marnie "but I can't help thinking there's something missing".

Marnie walked over to me and passed me a rather large glass of champagne that the shop assistant had left. Probably when I was wedging and wiggling into one of the dresses or maybe she heard my pity party I had going on in changing room 2! hahaha.

"Now you listen to me lady, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are beautiful inside and out. You're funny, kind, intelligent, warm, thoughtful, caring, generous, brave, loyal but far too independent" she winked before carrying on her rant "Jen you really are a wonderful person, I could go on for days listing all your good points (and your few bad ones I'm sure I heard her mumble) "Oh please do" I laughed. "One day your KNIGHT will come of that I have no doubt" Marnie said with a playful smirk,  just hearing that word made a shiver run down my spine. "More like a tosser in tinfoil" I replied. The shop assistant must've thought we were crackers as we fell about laughing. 

Finally after we composed ourselves it was time for the last one, and WOW it was stunning. Much more 'ME' "I saved the best for last" Marnie said slipping the dress over my head. Again WOW!! It fit like a glove. It's as if it was made for me. It was a hot pink halter-neck dress with randomly placed diamonds that dazzled in the light. It showed  enough cleavage to see I had a decent pair of boobs but covered enough to still pass as classy. It squeezed in at the waist and skimmed my womanly hips then it flowed towards the floor all floaty light. It was simple yet stunning. It suddenly dawned on me that although I had the dress on I still felt very naked and exposed.

Noting my puzzled face Marnie faced me in front of the mirror and placed a full length mirror behind me. It was then that I saw the back of the dress. Or should I say lack of the back of the dress. All I could see was my bare back! There was nothing, nada, sweet F.A no material what-so-ever. It started again just above my bum.

"Umm Mar, where the feck is the rest of the dress" I almost shouted. "Just hush up and take a few deep breaths and then look at yourself again, you look amazing. This dress was literally made for you Jen. I didn't wanna tell you until after the prom because I wanted to see peoples reaction to it but this dress is made by my very own hands, it's the only one around. Clarets have asked me to design a clothing range and they want to sell it in all of their 27 shops world wide. But this dress is a one off. You deserve something as beautiful and stunning as yourself and now you have. Seriously Jen look again." She said turning me towards the mirror once more. I have to admit I look beautiful. even with out my make-up & hair done, or jewellery and heels on, I look amazing! The dress is snug where it needs to be so I won't have to worry about wardrobe malfunctions! The back of the dress showed my sleek sun-kissed shoulders and back before starting again just above my butty but not high enough to cover the tattoo I had done 15 years ago though.

My beautiful little butterfly flying free surrounded by tiny twinkling stars. Each one had a special meaning. But nothing was more important than my flutterfly, I'm not sure I'm ready to expose and share her with the world yet. Marnie seemed to sense what I was feeling because she suddenly scooped me up into a huge hug and I snapped out of my daydream hugging her back. The atmosphere was suddenly tense. I didn't want to ruin the amazing day we were having so I told Marnie this was without a doubt THE DRESS and I am truly honoured to be wearing her one off creations! She beamed at me and I couldn't help but smile back, a huge heartfelt smile. I slipped the dress off and Finally I was able to get back into my jeans and top. 

We grabbed some lunch and shared a bottle of wine (which wasn't the best idea we've ever had considering the two large glasses of champagne we had at the shop) to say we were merry was an understatement! Not that we cared, I can honestly say it was as if nobody else existed. Just me and my bestie in our own little bubble.

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