Fee fi fo fum i smell buttcrack

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We walked outside of the classroom to be immediately stung by the frigid winter air, because here at Weston, winter lasts half of the year or something. "Haha how are you guys cold!" Willam shouted at us before doing some fortnite dance and running into a pole. He was obviously freezing, that guy can be a real showoff.  We started walking around the trees in the PE field gossiping about our classmates. While Nicole and Nia went on about everyone, my mind kept going straight back to Barbra Burrito (Kailani Bommarito). Like I said, she was kinda ugly but I liked her for some mysterious reason.
It's almost lunchtime, great! I love eating but the horrible thing is I forgot to get my lunch, so now I have to eat some Weston food. Great. When the bell rang and we got through the chaos and to our regular table, usually sitting only me, Nicole, Nia, and Nathan. Did I mention that Nicole has a really big crush on Nathan? Oh well he doesn't like her back because I told him about it. Ever since, he sits next to me instead of her. Well that just sucks for her, poor Nicole. Not in a sarcastic way either. My thoughts were interrupted by a certain smell. Oh no, not him, out of all people....

It's the one and only Case!!!!

Amos x murphee (barb?)Where stories live. Discover now