forget him

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"in this moment~" 

the boy softly sang as layed in bed staring at his phone. a teardrop fell from his eye widening the wet stain on the pillow before his brother thunder barged into his room

thunder: p'tops papa says we're leaving soon

tops: okay, I'll be down in a sec

he replied, sitting up straight and wiping the tear off with his hoodie sleeve. well...technically not HIS hoodie sleeve, but that doesn't matter right now. it will never matter again.

his brother left the room and tops laid down once more and sighed. he glanced at the goofy flower wallpaper.

it immediately took him back. he heard his laughter, singing, and the acoustic guitar all over again. he soon snapped out of it and stood up taking his luggage.

"he doesn't matter anymore"

tops thought to himself. he took the hoodie off and placed it on the bed before walking out of the room

"who am I kidding"

he whispered to himself before walking back into the room and putting the hoodie into his backpack.

he went down the stairs. once he got to the car he entered the passenger's seat and greeted his father.

"ready? this house must be quite special to you, considering your memories with-"

his father said before being interrupted by tops telling him to just drive. he didn't mean to be rude. he knew his father had good intentions.

he didn't know about win ghosting him after returning to Thailand and becoming a famous singer. going as far as to go to a city 751 km away and changing his stage name.

nobody other than tops did. he didn't want to be petty and tell someone who might get pissed for him, and expose win on Twitter to get him canceled or something.

plus, this was win achieving his dream. he said that if it's good for win, he's willing to support him.  even if win hurt him, ruining the career he worked for would be petty, stupid, and childish.

ignoring his existence is the best option. well... semi-ignoring.

his main focus now is his channel and the cafe he's opening once he gets to wins escape city...I mean..once he gets to Bangkok.


his father yelled. tops flinched at the sudden noise, breaking out of his inner thoughts. he hummed in response and turned away from the car window to face the man talking to him

"we're here. you'll be guesting a podcast at 9:45 am the day you arrive and will stay in the hotel across the street for a while I sort out some things with your new house."

his father stated. tops nodded as the car pulled up at the train station. he got out of the car and opened the boot to get his suitcases.

"I'll leave your car in the parking lot of the building the podcast will take place in. the key will be in its usual hiding place. oh before you leave could you take your brother with you? you know how fussy he gets on long car rides"

"yeah, sure no problem. come on thunder, you're gonna go on the train with me" 

tops said waking up and opening the door for his sleepy brother. thunder was still half asleep so tops decided to just carry him. but since he was no longer a baby he was pretty heavy. 

his dad decided to help tops with his luggage because he was carrying thunder. the border the train and bid their father goodbye. 

the trip was long. 11 hours to be exact. tops spent most of his time taking care of his brother and posting to his Instagram story. a few people recognized him and asked for pictures and/or autographs, to which he happily agreed.

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